PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Legacy _"EUVALS"_-based code that calculates: _(i)_ as many EU aggregates of _(ii)_ as many indicator over _(iii)_ as many years, as desired, possibly imputing data for missing countries from past years.

%silc_agg_process(indicators, aggregates, years, geo2geo=,
max_yback=0, thr_min=0.7, thr_cum=0, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • indicators : list of indicators, i.e. names of the datasets that store the indicators; aggregates will be estimated over the aggregates areas and during the years period;
  • aggregates : list of geographical areas, e.g. EU28, EA, ...;
  • years : list of year(s) of interest;
  • geo2geo : (option) list of correspondance rule that will enable you to copy the observations of a given aggregate into another one; it will take the form ((ogeo1=igeo1) (ogeo1=ogeo2) ...) where all observations igeo1 are copied (while preserved) to ogeo1 in the output table, ibid for igeo2 and ogeo2, etc...; note that the outermost parentheses (...) are not necessary; default: geo2geo is empty, i.e. no copy is operated; see %obs_geocopy for more details;
  • max_yback : (option) number of years used for imputation of missing data; it tells how to look backward in time, i.e. consider the max_yback years prior to the estimated year; see %silc_agg_compute for further details; default: max_yback=0;
  • thr_min : (option) value (in range [0,1]) of (lower acceptable) the threshold used to compare currently available population to global population; see %silc_agg_compute for further details; default: thr_min=0.7;
  • thr_cum: (option) value (in range [0,1]) of the (lower acceptable) threshold used to compare the cumulated available population over max_yback years to global population; see %silc_agg_compute; default: thr_cum=0;
  • ilib : (option) input dataset library; default (not passed or ' '): ilib=WORK;
  • olib : (option) input dataset library; default (not passed or ' '): olib=WORK.


For each input indicators in indicators, update the corresponding table in ilib with all aggregated values and store it (with the same name) in olib.


Considering the following PEPS01 indicator table:

geo time age sex unit ivalue flag unrel n ntot totwgh
AT 2015 TOTAL T PC 18.3001 0 2221 13213 8476450.56
BE 2015 TOTAL T PC 21.0982 0 3103 14209 11073760.02
BG 2015 TOTAL T PC 41.3311 0 5155 12031 7214208.95
BG 2016 TOTAL T PC 40.3672 b 0 7342 17788 7159945.97
CH 2015 TOTAL T PC 18.1994 0 2474 17164 8107904
CY 2015 TOTAL T PC 28.9414 0 3240 11966 843221
CZ 2015 TOTAL T PC 13.9887 0 2184 17714 10324059.2
DE 2015 TOTAL T PC 19.9646 0 4742 26379 80556397
DK 2015 TOTAL T PC 17.7494 0 1197 13969 5626658.53
EE 2015 TOTAL T PC 24.2108 0 3431 14558 1300279
EL 2015 TOTAL T PC 35.7038 0 12145 34465 10723089
ES 2015 TOTAL T PC 28.65 0 8776 32380 45986380
ES 2016 TOTAL T PC 27.9123 0 9158 36380 45953168
FI 2015 TOTAL T PC 16.7624 0 3196 26433 5390568.68
FI 2016 TOTAL T PC 16.5823 0 3018 25983 5404487.99
FR 2015 TOTAL T PC 17.6896 0 4610 26645 62453275.37
HR 2015 TOTAL T PC 29.0582 0 5538 17177 4184976
HU 2015 TOTAL T PC 28.2079 0 5764 18682 9695142
IE 2015 TOTAL T PC 26.0018 0 3568 13793 4641897.99
IS 2015 TOTAL T PC 12.9913 0 855 8604 316430
IT 2015 TOTAL T PC 28.7108 0 10404 42987 60843061.04
LT 2015 TOTAL T PC 29.3489 0 3077 11015 2921262
LU 2015 TOTAL T PC 18.4715 0 1723 8767 514254
LV 2015 TOTAL T PC 30.8766 0 4676 13923 1961234
LV 2016 TOTAL T PC 28.5005 0 4374 13864 1942760
MK 2015 TOTAL T PC 41.5739 0 5693 13458 2069751.38
MT 2015 TOTAL T PC 22.4401 0 2516 11252 420007.95
NL 2015 TOTAL T PC 16.375 0 2163 23338 16757719.39
NO 2015 TOTAL T PC 14.9751 0 1516 15699 5142181.91
PL 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.4404 0 8691 33652 37374543
RO 2015 TOTAL T PC 37.3783 0 6345 17411 19890447.12
RS 2015 TOTAL T PC 41.2957 0 7797 18270 7086011
SI 2015 TOTAL T PC 19.1585 0 4417 26150 2006985.22
SK 2015 TOTAL T PC 18.3874 0 2882 16181 5236123.99
PT 2015 TOTAL T PC 26.6478 0 6350 21965 10374822
SE 2015 TOTAL T PC 18.6015 b 0 1614 14249 9746194.26
CZ 2016 TOTAL T PC 13.3016 0 2193 18964 10339778.6
DK 2016 TOTAL T PC 16.7469 0 1196 13846 5657944
HU 2016 TOTAL T PC 26.2791 0 5362 18809 9669282
PT 2016 TOTAL T PC 25.0922 0 7506 26565 10341330
SK 2016 TOTAL T PC 18.1111 0 3056 16507 5247463.13
SI 2016 TOTAL T PC 18.4238 0 4023 25637 2015471.69
NO 2016 TOTAL T PC 15.2872 0 1739 16899 5174830.98
TR 2015 TOTAL T PC 41.2995 0 36666 81048 76368972
RS 2016 TOTAL T PC 38.7272 0 7068 17720 7033451
LT 2016 TOTAL T PC 30.1481 0 3056 10905 2888558
EE 2016 TOTAL T PC 24.436 0 3578 15193 1302797
PL 2016 TOTAL T PC 21.9182 0 8089 32609 37508480.69
UK 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.4504 0 5259 21242 63954009
UK 2016 TOTAL T PC 22.184 0 5160 22205 64728438
SE 2016 TOTAL T PC 18.2622 0 1697 14072 9851017
CH 2016 TOTAL T PC 17.8124 0 2495 17881 8195862
FR 2016 TOTAL T PC 18.2425 0 4730 26647 62837901.62
DE 2016 TOTAL T PC 19.6926 0 4930 26803 81427111
NL 2016 TOTAL T PC 16.7216 b 0 3575 29559 16724232
HR 2016 TOTAL T PC 27.9418 0 5980 19661 4149254
MT 2016 TOTAL T PC 20.0758 0 2225 10743 424831.04
RO 2016 TOTAL T PC 38.8253 0 6238 17355 19817899.94
CY 2016 TOTAL T PC 27.6947 0 3018 11236 844559
EL 2016 TOTAL T PC 35.5734 0 15508 44094 10651929
BE 2016 TOTAL T PC 20.7181 0 2963 13773 11269855.71
IT 2016 TOTAL T PC 29.9778 0 12337 48316 60500228.84
IE 2016 TOTAL T PC 24.2317 0 3261 13186 4683666.01
LU 2016 TOTAL T PC 19.8087 b 0 1986 10159 575993.71
AT 2016 TOTAL T PC 17.9541 0 2072 13049 8590169.38
MK 2016 TOTAL T PC 41.1011 0 5970 14310 2072573.48
DK 2017 TOTAL T PC 17.1904 0 1205 12727 5697896
HU 2017 TOTAL T PC 25.578 0 5075 18591 9637338

then calling the macro:

%silc_agg_process(PEPS01, EU28 EU27, 2016 2015,
geo2geo=((EU=EU28) (EA=EA19)), max_yback=0, ilib=WORK);

will update that same table with the following estimated aggregate observations:

geo time age sex unit ivalue flag unrel n ntot totwgh
EU28 2016 TOTAL T PC 23.4893 0 137631 593908 502508553.3
EU27 2016 TOTAL T PC 23.4522 0 131651 574247 498359299.3
EA19 2016 TOTAL T PC 23.0942 0 943744 18599 333626513.1
EU 2016 TOTAL T PC 23.4893 0 137631 593908 502508553.3
EA 2016 TOTAL T PC 23.0942 0 943744 18599 333626513.1
EU28 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.7865 0 128987 555746 500491026.3
EU27 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.7420 1 234495 38569 496306050.3
EA19 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.0593 0 872403 89619 332480788.2
EU 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.7865 0 128987 555746 500491026.3
EA 2015 TOTAL T PC 23.0593 0 872403 89619 332480788.2

since the aggregate EA19 needs to be estimated to fill in the EA value as well.

Instead, it is also possible to run:

%silc_agg_process(PEPS01, EU28 EU27, 2017, thr_min=0, max_yback=1, ilib=WORK);

in order to estimate 2017 aggregates while most values are missing, so as to update the table with the following estimated aggregate observations:

geo time age sex unit ivalue flag unrel n ntot totwgh
EU28 2017 TOTAL T PC 23.4802 e 0 137353 592571 502516561.3
EU27 2017 TOTAL T PC 23.443 e 0 131373 572910 498367307.3

Run macro %_example_silc_agg_process for more examples.


See %silc_agg_compute and %silc_EUvals for further details on effective computation.


  1. World Bank aggregation rules.
  2. Eurostat geography glossary.

See also

%silc_agg_compute, %silc_EUvals, %silc_agg_list, %obs_geocopy, %ctry_select, %zone_to_ctry, %var_to_list.