PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Extract the values of a given variable in a dataset into an unformatted (i.e., unquoted and blank-separated) list.

%var_to_list(dsn, var, _varlst_=, where=, distinct=no, na_rm=yes, sep=%str( ), lib=WORK);


  • dsn : a dataset reference;
  • var : either a field name, or the position of a field name in, in &dsn, whose values (observations) will be converted into a list;
  • distinct : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to return in the list only distinct values from &var variable; in practice, runs a SQL SELECT DISTINCT process prior to the values' extraction; default: distinct=NO, i.e. all values are returned;
  • sep : (option) character/string separator in output list; default: %str( ), i.e. sep is blank;
  • where : (option) SAS expression used to further refine the selection (WHERE option); should be passed with %str; default: empty;
  • na_rm : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to remove missing (NA) values from the observations; default: na_rm=YES, therefore all missing (. or ' ') values will be discarded in the output list;
  • lib : (option) output library; default: lib is set to WORK.


_varlst_ : name of the macro variable used to store the output list, i.e. the (blank separated) list of (possibly non-missing) observations in &var.


Let us consider the test dataset #28 as dsn:

geo value
AT 1
'' .
BG 2
'' 3
FR .
IT 4

then the following call to the macro:

%let ctry=;
%var_to_list(_dstest28, geo, _varlst_=ctry);
%var_to_list(_dstest28, 1, _varlst_=ctry);

will both return: ctry=AT BG FR IT, while:

%let val=;
%var_to_list(_dstest28, value, distinct=yes, _varlst_=val);

will return: val=1 2 3 4, and:

%var_to_list(_dstest28, value, distinct=yes, _varlst_=val, na_rm=no);
%var_to_list(_dstest28, 2, distinct=yes, _varlst_=val, na_rm=no);

will both return: val=1 . 2 3 . 4.

Run macro %_example_var_to_list for more examples.


  1. In short, this macro runs, when distinct=YES, and na_rm=YES:
PROC SQL noprint;
INTO: &_varlst_ SEPARATED BY "&sep"
FROM &lib..&dsn
WHERE not missing(&var);
  1. For empty variables (i.e. with no observation, or missing data while default na_rm=NO), an empty list is returned.
  2. On data conversion, format and informat:


  1. Satchi, T. (2002): "Using the magical keyword "INTO:" in PROC SQL".
  2. Rozhetskin, D. (2010): "Choosing the best way to store and manipulate lists in SAS".

See also

%list_to_var, %var_to_clist, %var_count, %var_info.