PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Legacy "EUVALS" code that calculates the EU aggregates of either RDB or RDB2 indicators in the "old-fashioned" way.

%silc_EUvals(eu, ms, _idb=, _yyyy=, _tab=, _thres=, _grpdim=, _flag=, _not60=,
_rdb=, _ex_data=, force_Nwgh=no);


  • eu : ISO-code of the aggregate area (e.g., EU28);
  • ms : list of country(ies) ISO-codes corresponding to (i.e., included in) the eu area;
  • mode : flag (char) setting the mode of data output; it can be UPDATE (e.g., for primary RDB indicators) or INSERT (for secondary RDB2 indicators);
  • _yyyy : year of interest;
  • _tab : name of the input indicator (and the corresponding table as well);
  • _thres : threshold (in range [0,1]) used to compare ratio of available population over the total area population;
  • _grpdim : list of dimension used by the indicator _tab;
  • _flag : boolean flag (0/1) for...?
  • _rdb: name of the library where the indicator table _tab is located, e.g. _rdb=rdb with primary indicators or _rdb=WORK with secondary indicators;
  • _ccwgh60: name of the file storing countries' population;
  • _not60 : boolean flag (0/1) used to force the aggregate calculation;
  • _ex_data: name of the library where the file _ccwgh60 with countries' population is stored;
  • force_Nwgh : additional boolean flag (yes/no) set when an additional variable nwgh (representing the weighted sample) is present in the output dataset; note that this option is not foreseen in the original EUvals implementation; default: force_Nwgh=no.


  1. In addition to the macro defined above, this file provides additional macros/scripts so as to be compatible with the current different uses of the so-called "EUvals" programs in EU-SILC production. Actually, the aggregate estimation is run at the "inclusion" of this file, that is whenever the following command is used inside a SAS program:

    %include "<path_to_this_file>/"

    The operation performed after the inclusion depends however on the type of indicator to be calculated, i.e. on whether:

    • indicators in the so-called RDB2 database are processed: an %_EUVALS macro is launched so that aggregates are actually calculated,
    • indicators in the so-called RDB database are processed: NOTHING happens (exit the program),
    • the program is used together with the PING library: NOTHING happens either (exit the program).

    In the two latter cases, the inclusion shall therfore be understood as a strict inclusion, with no actual operation running.

  2. The macro %silc_EUvals does not require the use of PING library.
  3. The "weird" naming of this macro's parameters derives from the global parameters used in legacy %EUvals program.

See also

%silc_agg_process, %silc_agg_compute.