PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

List default aggregates calculated when estimating EU-SILC indicators in a given year.

%silc_agg_list(time, _agg_=, _eu_=, _ea_=);


time : any single year of interest.


  • _agg_ : (option) variable storing the default list of aggregates to be computed in survey year time;
  • _eu_ : (option) variable storing the actual aggregate (e.g., either EU28, or EU27, or EU25, ...) to be calculated in place of EU;
  • _ea_ : (option) variable storing the actual aggregate (e.g., either EA19, or EA18, or EA17, ...) to be calculated in place of EA.


Running for instance:

%let Agg=;
%let EU=;
%let EA=;
%silc_agg_list(2006, _agg_=Agg, _eu_=EU, _ea_=EA);

will return: Agg=EA18 EA19, EA=EA12 and EU=EU25.

See %_example_silc_agg_list for more examples.


  1. One at least of the parameters _agg_, _eu_ or _ea_ should be set.
  2. This macro should be implemented through a metadata table, instead of being hard encoded as is the case now, e.g. something like:
    EU15 EU25 EU27 EU28 EA12 EA13 EA15 EA16 EA17 EA18 EA19
    2003 X X
    2004 X X
    2005 X X
    2006 X X
    2007 X X
    2008 X X
    2009 X X
    2010 X X
    2011 X X
    2012 X X
    2013 X X
    2014 X X
    2015 X X
    2016 X X
    2017 X X
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    should be used to retrieve the desired global variables


Eurostat geography glossary.

See also

%silc_agg_process, %silc_agg_compute.