PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Build the list of countries/years to take into consideration in order to calculate the aggregate value for a given indicator and a given area.

%ctry_select(idsn, geo, time, ctrydsn, ilib=, _pop_infl_=, _run_agg_=, _pop_part_=,
max_yback=0, sampsize=0, max_sampsize=0, thr_min=, thr_cum=,


  • dsn : a dataset storing the indicator for which an aggregated value is estimated;
  • geo : list of (blank-separated) strings representing the ISO-codes of all the countries that belong to a given geographical area;
  • time : year of interest;
  • max_yback : (option) look backward in time, i.e. consider the max_yback years prior to the considered year; default: max_yback=0, i.e. only data available for current year shall be considered; max_yback can also be set to _ALL_ so as to take all available data from the input dataset, whatever the year considered: in that case, all other arguments normally used for building the list of countries (see below: sampsize, max_sampsize, thr_min, thr_cum) are ignored; default: max_yback=0 (i.e., only current year);
  • sampsize : (option) size of the set of countries from previous year that is sequentially added to the list of available countries so as to reach the desired threshold; this parameter is ignored (i.e., set to 0) when max_yback=_ALL_; default: sampsize=0, i.e. all data shall be added at once when available;
  • max_sampsize : (option) maximum number of additional countries from previous to take into consideration for the estimation; default: max_sampsize=0;
  • thr_min : (option) value (in range [0,1]) of the threshold to test whether: pop_part / pop_glob >= thr_min ? default: thr_min=0.7 (i.e. pop_part should be at least 70% of pop_glob); seting thr_min=0 ensures _run_agg_=yes;
  • thr_cum : (option) value (in range [0,1]) of the second threshold considered when cumulating the list of currently available countries with countries from previous years; this parameter is set to thr_cum=1 when max_yback=_ALL_, and to thr_cum=0 and max_yback=0; default: not set;
  • ilib : (option) input dataset library; default (not passed or ' '): ilib=WORK.


  • ctrydsn : name of the output table where the list of countries with the year of estimation is stored;
  • _pop_infl_ : name of the macro variables storing the 'inflation' rate between both global and partial population, i.e. the ratio pop_glob / pop_part;
  • _run_agg_ : name of the macro variables storing the result of the test whhether some aggregates shall be computed or not, i.e. the result (yes/no) of the test: pop_part / pop_glob >= thr_min ?
  • _pop_part_ : name of the macro variable storing the final cumulated population considered for the estimation of the aggregate.


  1. World Bank aggregation rules.


Run macro %_example_aggregate_build.

See also

%str_isgeo, %ctry_find, %ctry_population, %population_compare, %zone_replace.