PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Copy all observations of a given geographical area/country onto another geographical area/country set of observations.

obs_geocopy(dsn, igeo, ogeo, time=, replace=NO, lib=WORK);


  • dsn : an input reference dataset;
  • igeo : a string representing a country ISO-code or a geographical zone;
  • ogeo : ibid, a string representing a country ISO-code or geographical zone;
  • time : (option) selected year for which the copy is operated; default: not set, and all igeo observations are copied into ogeo observations;
  • replace : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to actually replace of igeo observations by ogeo observations; default: replace=NO, i.e all igeo observations are preserved in the dataset;
  • lib : (option) name of the library where dsn is stored; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


It will update the input dataset dsn with ogeo observations that are copies of the igeo observations at time time.


Given the table dsn:

geo time ivalue
EU28 2016 1
EU28 2015 1
EU28 2014 1
EU27 2016 2
EU27 2015 2
EU27 2014 2
EU 2016 3

the following command:

%obs_geocopy(dsn, EU28, EU, time=2015 2014, lib=WORK);

will update the table dsn as follows:

geo time ivalue
EU28 2016 1
EU28 2015 1
EU28 2014 1
EU27 2016 2
EU27 2015 2
EU27 2014 2
EU 2016 3
EU 2015 1
EU 2014 1

Run macro %_example_geo_copy for more examples.

See also

%silc_agg_process, %obs_duplicate, %meta_countryxzone.