PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Return the list of countries available in a given dataset and for a given year, or a subsample of it, and store it in an output table.

%ctry_find(idsn, year, odsn, ctrylst=,
sampsize=0, force_overwrite=no, ilib=, olib=);


  • idsn : input reference dataset;
  • year : year to consider for the selection of country;
  • ctrylst : (option) list of (blank-separated) strings representing the set of countries ISO-codes (_.e.g._, produced as the output of zone_to_ctry with the option _ctrylst_), to look for; default: ctrylst is not set and all available countries (i.e. actually present) are returned in the output table;
  • sampsize : (option) when >0, only a (randomly chosen) subsample of the countries available in idsn is stored in the output table odsn (see below); default: 0, i.e. no sampling is performed; see also the macro %ds_sample;
  • force_overwrite : (option) boolean argument set to yes when the table odsn is to be overwritten; default to no, i.e. the new selection is appended to the table if it already exists;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


  • odsn : name of the output table where the list of countries is stored; the countries listed in this table are a subset of ctrylst when this latter variable is passed;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, and the value of ilib is used.


Say that you are at the beginning of year=2020, EU-SILC still exists, UK has left EU28 which is now EU27, we launch:

%local countries;
%let year=2020
%zone_to_ctry(EU27, time=&year, _ctrylst_=countries);

so that countries contain the list of all countries member of EU27 at this time. Suppose now that only AT, FI, HU and LV have transmitted data, then the command to retrieve this information for indicator LI01 is:

%ctry_find(LI01, &year, out, ctrylst=&countries, ilib=rdb, olib=WORK);

which will create the following table out in WORKing library:

time geo
2016 AT
2016 FI
2016 HU
2016 LV

Run macro %_example_ctry_find for examples.

See also

%ds_sample, %ctry_select.