PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Return a list composed of countries only (geo) belonging to a given geographic area (e.g., EU28).

%zone_replace(geo, time=, _ctrylst_=, _ctryclst_=, , cds_ctryxzone=META_COUNTRYxZONE, clib=LIBCFG);


  • geo : a list of string(s) which shall represent(s) ISO-codes or geographical zones;
  • time : (option) selected year; if empty, all the countries that belong or once belonged to the area are returned; default: not set;
  • cds_ctryxzone : (option) configuration file storing the description of geographical areas; by default, it is named after the value &G_PING_COUNTRYxZONE (e.g., META_COUNTRYxZONE); for further description, see %meta_countryxzone;
  • clib : (option) name of the library where the configuration file is stored; default to the value &G_PING_LIBCFG(e.g., LIBCFG) when not set.


_ctrylst_ or _ctryclst_ : (option) name of the macro variable storing the output list, where all geographical areas present in geo have been replaced by the corresponding list of countries; it is encoded , either a list of (comma separated) strings of countries ISO3166-codes in-between quotes when _ctryclst_ is passed, or an unformatted list when _ctrylst_ is passed; those two options are incompatible.


The table in the configuration dataset cds_ctryxzone contains in fact for each country in the EU+EFTA geographic area the year of entrance in/exit of (when such case applies) any given euro zone. In particular, it means that zone needs to be defined as a field in the table cds_ctryxzone.


Let us consider the simple following example:

%let ctry_glob=;
%zone_replace(FR EFTA IT, time=2015, _ctryclst_=ctry_glob);

returns the (quoted) list ctry_glob=("FR","CH","NO","IS","LI","IT").

Run macro %_example_zone_replace for more examples.

See also

%zone_to_ctry, %ctry_to_zone, %ctry_in_zone, %meta_countryxzone.