PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compare the ratio of two populations (given as figures) with a given threshold.

%population_compare(pop_den, pop_num, _pop_infl_=, _ans_=, pop_thres=0.7);


  • pop_den, pop_num : two (string/numeric) variables, usually storing respectively the global and partial population figures to compare;
  • pop_thres : (option) value (in range [0,1]) of the threshold to test whether: pop_num / pop_den >= pop_thres ? default to 0.7 (i.e. we assume pop_den > pop_num and pop_num should be at least 70% of pop_den).


  • _pop_infl_ : name of the macro variables storing the 'inflation' rate between both global and partial population, i.e. the ratio pop_den / pop_num;
  • _ans_ : name of the macro variables storing the result of the test whhether some aggregates shall be computed or not, i.e. the result (YES/NO) of the test: pop_num / pop_den >= pop_thres ?



%let pop_infl=;
%let ans=;
%population_compare(1, 0.1, _pop_infl_=pop_infl, _ans_=ans, pop_thres=0.2);

returns pop_infl=10 and ans=no.

%population_compare(1, 0.2, _pop_infl_=pop_infl, _ans_=ans, pop_thres=0.2);

returns pop_infl=5 and ans=yes (note that we indeed test >=).

%population_compare(1, 0.5, _pop_infl_=pop_infl, _ans_=ans, pop_thres=0.2);

returns pop_infl=2 and ans=yes.

Run macro %_example_population_compare for more examples.

See also
