PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compute the cumulated population of a list of countries.

%ctry_population(ctry_list, time, _pop_size_=, cds_popxctry=META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY, clib=LIBCFG);


  • ctry_list : list of desired countries defined by their ISO codes (e.g., list of MS in EU28);
  • time : period of interest;
  • cds_popxctry : (option) configuration file storing the population of different countries; by default, it is named after the value &G_PING_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY (e.g., META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY); for further description, see %meta_populationxcountry;
  • clib : (option) name of the library where the configuration file is stored; default to the value &G_PING_LIBCFG(e.g., LIBCFG) when not set.


_pop_size_ : name of the macro variable storing the output figure, i.e. the total (cumulated) population of the given list of countries for the given year.


The table in the configuration dataset cds_popxctry contains in fact for each country in the EU+EFTA geographic area the total population for any year from 2003 on (e.g., what used to be CCWGH60). Considering the way cds_popxctry is structured, the variable Y&time needs to exist in the table.


%let popsize=;
%let ctry_list=BE BG;
%let year=2007;
%ctry_population(&ctry_list, &year, _pop_size_=popsize);

returns (with the table defined as above): popsize=18157207 (sum of values 10584534+7572673 above).

Run macro %_example_ctry_population for more examples.

See also

%zone_population, %meta_populationxcountry.