PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compare the population ratio of two list of countries for a given threshold.

%ctry_population_compare(ctry_glob, ctry_part, time, _pop_infl_=, _ans_=, pop_thres=0.7,


  • ctry_glob, ctry_part : two lists of (blank-separated) strings representing countries' ISO-codes; in practice, countries listed in ctry_part are also ctry_glob;
  • time : period of interest;
  • pop_thres : (option) value (in range [0,1]) of the threshold to test whether: pop_part / pop_glob >= pop_thres ? default to 0.7 (i.e. pop_part should be at least 70% of pop_glob);
  • cds_popxctry, clib : (option) respectively, name and library of the configuration file storing the population of different countries; by default, these parameters are set to the values &G_PING_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY and &G_PING_LIBCFG' (e.g., META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY and LIBCFG resp.); see %meta_populationxcountry for further description.


  • _pop_infl_ : name of the macro variables storing the 'inflation' rate between both global and partial population, i.e. the ratio pop_glob / pop_part;
  • _ans_ : name of the macro variables storing the result of the test whether some aggregates shall be computed or not, i.e. the result (yes/no) of the test: pop_part / pop_glob >= pop_thres ?


Let us consider a large country (DE) and a small one (MT). For the area (DE,MT) and year 2010, we assume that only DE is available. Then, will a threshold of 90% of the population be reached? Considering the actual figures (found in the cds_popxctry table: population of DE is: 81.802.257, that of MT is: 10.014.324) it seems obvious that this is actually reached. Let's check:

%let ans=;
%let pop_infl=;
%let year=2010;
%let thres=0.9; *our 90% threshold to check;
%let ctry_part=DE;
%let ctry_glob=DE MT;
%ctry_population_compare(&ctry_glob, &ctry_part, &year, pop_thres=&thres, _pop_infl_=pop_infl, _ans_=ans);

returns indeed the answer ans=yes (and pop_infl=1.0050613151). Instead, let's consider another large country, say FR (whose population in 2010 amounts to 64.658.856):

%let ctry_glob=DE FR; *other variables unchanged;
%ctry_population_compare(&ctry_glob, &ctry_part, &year, pop_thres=&thres, _pop_infl_=pop_infl, _ans_=ans);

returns the answer ans=no (and pop_infl=1.7904151471).

Run macro %_example_ctry_population_compare for more examples.


The table cds_popxctry contains for each country in the EU+EFTA geographic area the total population for any year from 2003 on (e.g., what used to be CCWGH60).

See also

%ctry_population, %zone_population, %population_compare, %meta_populationxcountry.