PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Provide the population of EU countries.


A table named after the value &G_PING_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY (e.g., META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY) shall be defined in the library named after the value &G_PING_LIBCFG (e.g., LIBCFG) so as to contain for every country in the EU+EFTA geographic area:

  • total population for any year from 2003.

In practice, the table (e.g., what used to be CCWGH60) looks like this (can change owing to updates):

GEO Y2003 Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009 Y2010 Y2011 Y2012 Y2013 Y2014 Y2015
BE 10355844103964211044585210511382105845341066686610753080108399051100063811094850111616421120399211258434
BG 7845841 7745147 7688573 7629371 7572673 7518002 7467119 7421766 7369431 7327224 7284552 7245677 7202198
CZ 10203269101953471019885510223577102542331034342210425783104620881048673110505445105161251051241910538275
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Creation and update

Consider an input CSV table called A.csv, with same structure as above, and stored in a directory named B. In order to create/update the SAS table A in library C, as described above, it is then enough to run:

%meta_populationxcountry(cds_zonexyear=A, cfg=B, clib=C);

Note that, by default, the command %meta_populationxcountry; runs:



Generate the table META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY in the WORK directory:


See also

%ctry_population, %zone_population.