PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compute the total aggregated population of a given geographic area (e.g., EU28).

%zone_population(zone, time, _pop_size_=,
cds_popxctry=META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY, cds_ctryxzone=META_COUNTRYxZONE, clib=LIBCFG);


  • zone : code of the zone, e.g., EU28, EA19, etc...;
  • time : year of interest;
  • cds_popxctry, cds_ctryxzone, clib : (option) names and library of the configuration files storing both the population of different countries and the description of geographical areas; by default, these parameters are set to the values &G_PING_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY, &G_PING_COUNTRYxZONE and &G_PING_LIBCFG' respectively; see %meta_populationxcountry and %meta_countryxzone for further description of the tables.


_pop_size_ : name of the macro variable storing the output figure, i.e. the total (cumulated) population of the given geographic area for the given year.


%let popsize=;
%let year=2010;
%zone_population(EU28, &year, _pop_size_=popsize);

returns the total (cumulated) population of the EU28 area, that was: popsize=498.870.000 in 2010.

Run macro %_example_zone_population for more examples.


The table ds_pop contains for each country in the EU+EFTA geographic area the total population for any year from 2003 on (e.g., what used to be CCWGH60). See %ctry_population for further description of the table.

See also

%ctry_population, %zone_to_ctry, %meta_populationxcountry, %meta_countryxzone.