PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create the ordered lists of countries and periods from the multiple choices prompt in the client SAS EG project (similar to SAS EG version prior to 4.1).

%_egp_geotime(_time_=, _geo_=, pmultipl=yes);


  • _geo_ : name of the variable associated to the geo prompt, i.e. the one returned from the selection of a list of countries/zones; a prompt with this name must exist;
  • _time_ : (option) name of the variable associated to the time prompt, i.e. the one returned from the selection of periods/years for calculation; a prompt with this name must exist;
  • pmultipl : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set for multiple option selection; default: pmultipl=yes.


  • in &_time_, the ordered list of periods;
  • in &_geo_, the updated list of countries/zones, where the zones appear at the end.


Given the following prompt (with multiple selections) and the corresponding selections:

!!! prompt geo/time !!!

where the names of the prompt have been set respectively (from top to bottom, highlighted in red) to geo and time, the call:

%_egp_geotime(_time_=time, _geo_=geo, pmultipl=yes);

will return: geo=BE CY AT EU28 (DUMMY not selected and EU28 put at the end of the list) and time=2004 2005 2010 2012 2013 2014 (list ordered).

See also

%_egp_prompt, %list_sort, %_run_geotime.