PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Run a given macro for every single year and zone of any given periods and geographical areas.

%_run_geotime(time, geo, timeloop=yes, geoloop=yes, process=, macro_arguments...);


  • time : (list of) period(s)/year(s) considered for calculation;
  • geo : (list of) country(ies)/geographical zone(s) considered for calculation;
  • timeloop, geoloop : (option) boolean flags (yes/no) set to specify whether loops over time and geo respectively should be considered, or
  • process : (option) name of the macro that will be ran for every geo area and time period; this macro must stick to the following usage:
    %&process(&year, &geo, &ctries, &macro_arguments);
    where year is one period taken from time, and ctries is the list of countries included in the area represented by geo, while geo is the same as above; default: process is set to a macro _process_geotime which must be defined; in practice, the macro is ran using %macro_execute;
  • macro_arguments... : (option) whatever additional (positional or keyword) arguments taken by the macro %&process.


... whatever the original macro %&process returns.


  1. In short, this macro essentially runs a loop over considered period/geographical areas, e.g.:
%do _iy=1 %to %list_length(&time);
%let _yyyy=%scan(&time, &_iy);
%do _ig=1 %to %list_length(&geo);
%let _geo=%scan(&geo, &_ig);
%zone_to_ctry(&_geo, time=&_yyyy, _ctrylst_=_ctry);
%macro_execute(&process, &_yyyy, &_geo, &_ctry, &arguments);
  1. In the case the macro %&process takes both positional and keyword arguments, then the above keyword argument process= to _run_geotime macro shall be inserted after the positional arguments of %&process in the list macro_arguments. Say it otherwise, let us say that a given macro _process is used as follows:
%_process(year, geo, ctries, a, b, c=, d=);

then the generic running of this function shall be written as:

%_run_geotime(time, geo, a, b, process=_process, c=, d=);

See also

%macro_execute, %str_to_keyvalue.