PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Sort a list of numeric values in ascending or descending order.

%list_sort(list, _list_=, order=asc, sep=%quote( ));


  • list : list of numeric items that will be sorted;
  • order : (option) string defining ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order; default: order=asc;
  • sep : (option) character/string separator in input list; default: %quote( ), i.e. sep is blank.


_list_ : output ordered list.


let us consider the following simple example:

%let list=4.5 21 1 -1 0.2 -8 65 7.8;
%let olist=;
%list_sort(&list, _list_=olist);

it will return olist=-8 -1 0.2 1 4.5 7.8 21 65.

Run macro %_example_list_sort for examples.


In short, this macro runs, in the case order=asc, the following operations:

%list_to_var(&list, tmpval, tmpdsn, fmt=best32., sep=&sep);
%ds_sort(tmpdsn, asc=tmpval);
%var_to_list(tmpdsn, tmpval, _varlst_=&_list_, sep=&sep);

See also

%ds_sort, %list_permutation, %list_to_var, %var_to_list.