PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Re-create the list of choice(s) from the (multiple) choice(s) prompt in the client SAS EG project (similar to SAS EG version prior to 4.1).

%_egp_prompt(prompt_name=, ptype=, penclose=, pmultipl=, psepar=, verb=no);


  • prompt_name : name of the prompt;
  • ptype : (option) type of the prompt, i.e. STRING (or CHAR), INTEGER, NUMERIC (or FLOAT), DATE, etc...;
  • penclose : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set if the 'Enclosed values with quotes' was selected in SAS/EG 4.1;
  • pmultipl : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) if the prompt is a 'Multiple choices' prompt;
  • psepar : (option) specific separator, nothing if there is no specific separator; comma is the default;
  • verb : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set for verbose mode; default: verb=no.


In the macro variable whose named is passed through prompt_name (i.e., &prompt_name), the list of choices from the (multiple) choice(s) prompt.


  1. The macro %_egp_prompt uses SAS EG built-in macro %_eg_WhereParam.
  2. When working with SAS EG version>4.3 prompts, prompts (may they be numeric or char, multiple choices or not) are surrounded by control characters (SOH, DC1, STX) which are not interpreted well by the macro processor. A trick is then to apply to reassign the value of the macro variable using the %strip macro.
  3. This macro was originally implemented (with name %prompt_to_list) by S.Okbi, and also further incorporates comments from O.De Gryse (SAS support team).


  1. Sucher, K. (2010): "Interactive and efficient macro programming with prompts in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2".
  2. Hall, A. (2011): "Creating reusable programs by using SAS Enterprise Guide prompt manager".

See also

%_egp_geotime, %_egp_path.