PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Split a EU-SILC dataset into subsets that contain data for a given country and a given year.

%silc_ds_split(geo, time, idsn, odsn=, _ctrylst_=, _yearlst_=, _db_=, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • geo : list of desired countries ISO-codes
  • time : list of desired years
  • idsn : input dataset
  • ilib : input library name


  • odsn : generic output file name
  • _ctrylst_ : output list of countries actually extracted
  • _yearlst_ : output list of years actually extracted
  • _db_ : output level
  • olib : output library name.

See also

%ds_select, %ds_contents, %dir_check, %ds_check, %str_isgeo, %zone_replace, %var_to_list.