PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Compare variables of a given dataset.

%var_compare(dsn, var, varc=, dsnc=, _ans_=,
typ=yes, len=no, fmt=no, vfmt=no, infmt=no, pos=no, lab=no,
lib=WORK, libc=WORK);


  • dsn : a dataset reference;
  • var : a variable name whose properties are considered for comparison;
  • varc : (option) a second variable to compare to the first one;
  • dsnc : (option) a second dataset reference;
  • lib : (option) output library; default (not passed or ' '): lib is set to WORK.
  • libc :
  • typ, lab, fmt, infmt, len, pos : boolean flags (yes/no) set to define which attributes/properties of the variables are considered for comparisong; they respectively represent the type, the label, the format, the informat, the length and the position; by default, typ=yes while all others are set to no.



Run macro %_example_var_compare for more examples.

See also

%var_check, %var_info, %var_rename, %ds_order, %var_count, VARNUM, VARTYPE, VARLABEL, VARFMT, VARLEN, VARINFMT, VFORMAT,