PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment
  • Check that a field/variable (defined as a string) actually exists in a given dataset.
%let ans=%var_check(dsn, var, lib=WORK);
  • Trim a list of string elements to keep only those that actually define variables in a given dataset.
%var_check(dsn, var, _varlst_=, lib=WORK);


  • dsn : an input reference dataset;
  • var : either a (list of) variable name(s), or the (list of) position(s) of variable(s) whose existence in input dataset dsn is tested; when var is passed as a list of integers, it is only verified that these values are in the range [1,#{variables in dsn}] where #{variables in dsn} is the number of dimensions in dsn; the list of variables of corresponding variables is then returned through _varlst_ (see below);
  • lib : (option) output library; default (not passed or ' '): lib is set to WORK.


  • ans : (option) the error code of the test, i.e.:

    • 0 when the variable var exists in the dataset,
    • 1 (error: "var does not exist") otherwise;

    should not be used contemporaneously with the option _varlst_ below; this is further unusable when var is passed as a list of integers;

  • _varlst_ : (option) name of the macro variable used to store the string elements from var that do actually define existing variables/fields in dsn; incompatible with returned result ans above.


Let us consider the table _dstest5:

f e d c b a
. 1 2 3 . 5


%let var=a b y z c;
%let list=;
%let ans=%var_check(_dstest5, &var);

returns ans=0 0 1 1 0, the outputs of the existence test of string elements of var in _dstest5, while:

%var_check(_dstest5, &var, _varlst_=list);

returns list=a b c, the only string elements of var which define variables in _dstest5. Finally, it is possible to pass integer var to the macro so as to retrieve the names of the variables in corresponding positions, e.g.:

%let var=3 1 4 2;
%let list=;
%var_check(_dstest35, &var, _varlst_=list);

returns list=EQ_INC20 geo RB050a time.

Run macro %_example_var_check for more examples.


  1. As mentioned above, two types of outputs are possible: either the answer ans to the test when a result shall be returned (and _varlst_ is not passed), or an updated list of acceptable variables (when _varlst_ is passed). The former case is useful when testing a single variable existence in a dataset, the latter for triming a list of actual variables. Contemporaneous use is impossible.
  2. In short, the macro performs either of the two following operations:
    • the "intersection" between the list var with the list of variables in dsn, i.e. when _varlst_ is set:
%let allvars=;
%ds_contents(&dsn, _varlst_=allvars, lib=&lib);
%let &_varlst_=%list_intersection(&var, &allvars, casense=NO);
  • the test of existence of the variables var otherwise, i.e. when a single variable var is passed:
%let err=%sysfunc(varnum(%sysfunc(open(&lib..&dsn)),&var));
%if &err>0 %then %let ans=0;
%else %let ans=1;
  1. The order of the variables in the output list &_varlst_ /answer ans matches that in the input list var.
  2. When none of the string elements in var matches a variable in dsn, an empty list &_varlst_/ answer ans is set.


  1. SAS community: "Tips: Check if a variable exists in a dataset".
  2. Johnson, J. (2010): "OBJECT EXIST: A macro to check if a specified object exists".

See also

%ds_check, %lib_check, %ds_contents, %dir_check, %file_check, VARNUM.