PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

(Re)order the variables (columns) of a given dataset.

%ds_order(idsn, odsn=, varnum=alpha, varlst=, varlike=, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK, liblike=WORK);


  • idsn : a dataset reference;
  • varnum : (option) list of variables positions (numeric indexes) to consider so as to reorder the columns/fields of idsn; note that varnum=alpha is also accepted, so that, in that case, the variables in idsn are reordered alphabetically; incompatible with options varlst and varlike below; default: varnum=alpha, and the variables in the dataset idsn are reordered alphabetically when none of the parameteres varnum, varlst and varlike (see below) is passed;
  • varlst : (option) list of variables names to consider so as to reorder the columns/fields of idsn; incompatible with options varnum above and varlike below; default: varlst=, i.e. it is not set;
  • varlike : (option) table whose variables order will be applied to the dataset reference; incompatible with options varlst above and varlike above; default: varlike=, i.e. it is not set;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used,
  • liblike : (option) name of the library where varlike is stored; by default: empty, i.e. ilib will be used in case varlike is set.


  • odsn : (option) name of the output dataset (in WORK library); when not set, the input dataset idsn will be replaced with the new version with ordered variables; default: not set;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, i.e. ilib will be used in case odsn is set.


Let us first consider test dataset #5:

f e d c b a
. 1 2 3 . 5

then the variables in the dataset can be easily reordered alphabetically, e.g. using undifferently any of the instructions below:

%ds_order(_dstest5, odsn=dsn);
%ds_order(_dstest5, odsn=dsn, varnum=alpha);

so as to store in the output dataset dsn the following table:

a b c d e f
. 1 2 3 . 5

Let us also consider test dataset #6:

a b c d e f g h
. 1 2 3 . 5 6 .

the following instructions enable us to explicitely reorder the variables in the table (note that the variables not mentioned in varlst are retrieved from the remaining positions):

%let varlst=b a h e c;
%ds_order(_dstest6, odsn=dsn, varlst=&varlst);

so that the output dataset dsn contains the table:

b a h e c d f h
1 . . . 2 3 5 .

Instead, the instructions below allow us to order the variables according to their initial positions in the table:

%let varnum=4 7 3 2;
%ds_order(_dstest6, odsn=dsn, varnum=&varnum);

so that the output dataset dsn contains the table:

d g c b a e f h
3 6 2 1 . . 5 .

It is also possible to order the variables in test dataset #6 according to the position of the same variables (i.e. same name) in test dataset #5:

%ds_order(_dstest6, odsn=dsn, varlike=_dstest5);

which returns in the output dataset dsn the following table:

f e d c b a g h
5 . 3 2 1 . 6 .

Run macro %_example_ds_order for more examples.


  1. In short, when varlst is set (instead of varnum or varlike), the macro runs the following DATA step:
DATA &olib..&odsn;
FORMAT &varlst;
SET &ilib..&idsn;
  1. Even when the input dataset idsn is already ordered as desired, the DATA step will still be ran as long as the output dataset odsn differs from idsn, so that a duplicated dataset is created.


  1. Go, I.C. (2002): "Reordering variables in a SAS data set".
  2. Clapson, A. (2014): "Ordering columns in a SAS dataset: Should you really RETAIN that?".
  3. "Re-ordering variables".

See also

%ds_isempty, %lib_check, %var_check, %var_info, %var_rename.