PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

This macro retrieves either the name of the client SAS EG project (without its extension) it is launched in or the path of where it is located.

%let p=%_egp_path(path=base, dashreplace=no, parent=no);


  • path : (option) flag set to base/path/drive when respectively the project's name/path/drive path shall be returned; default: path=path, i.e. the path of the current project directory is returned;
  • dashreplace : (option) boolean flag set to yes when the - in the path needs to be trimmed (i.e., replaced with a blank); this is used only when path=base, e.g. to produce automatically tables whose names are derived from the program used to generate them; default to no;
  • parent : (option) boolean flag set to yes when the path of the parent directory of the current project shall be returned; this is used only when path=path or drive; default to no.


p : depending on path value:

  • the name of the current project (the one the command is launched in), without its egp extension,
  • the path or full path,
  • the path of the parent directory.


Imagine the name of the program running this function is test-01.egp and is located in the directory Z:\main\test, then:

%let p=%_egp_path(path=base);

returns: p=test-01.

%let p=%_egp_path(path=base, dashreplace=yes);

returns: p=test01.

%let p=%_egp_path(path=path);

returns: p=Z:/main/test

%let p=%_egp_path(path=drive);

returns: p=/main/test.

%let p=%_egp_path(path=path, parent=yes);

returns: p=Z:/main.

Run macro %_example__egp_path for examples.


  1. This macro works only with SAS ENTERPRISE GUIDE since it uses the predefined macro variables _CLIENTPROJECTNAME and _CLIENTPROJECTPATH.
  2. Note that whether you are running in local or not (e.g., SASMain), the path returned with option path=base or (drive)path is always formatted as a local path, hence there is no difference.


Hemedinger, C.: Special automatic macro variables available in SAS Enterprise Guide.

See also
