PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Sort the observations in a given dataset.

%ds_sort(idsn, odsn=, asc=, desc=, dupdsn=, sortseq=, options=, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • idsn : a dataset reference;
  • asc : (option) list of variables to consider so as to sort idsn in ascending order; default: not set;
  • desc : (option) list of variables to consider so as to sort idsn in ascending order; default: not set; note however that asc and desc cannot be both empty;
  • dupdsn : (option) name of the DUPOUT dataset, i.e. all deleted observations, if any, will be put in this dataset (in WORK library); default: not used;
  • sortseq : (option) option used by the PROC SORT procedure so as to change the sorting order of character variables; default: not used;
  • options : (option) any additional options accepted by the PROC SORT procedure;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used;


  • odsn : (option) name of the output dataset (in WORK library) sorted by (ascending) asc variables and descending desc variables; when not set, the input dataset idsn will be replaced with the newly sorted version; default: not set;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, and the value of ilib is used.


Let us consider the test dataset #35:

geo time EQ_INC20 RB050a
BE 2009 10 10
BE 2010 50 10
BE 2011 60 10
BE 2012 20 20
BE 2013 10 20
BE 2014 30 20
BE 2015 40 20
IT 2009 10 10
IT 2010 50 10
IT 2011 50 10
IT 2012 30 20
IT 2013 30 20
IT 2014 20 20
IT 2015 50 20

and run the macro:

%ds_sort(_dstest35, asc=time, desc=eq_inc20 rb050a);

which updates _dstest35 with the following table:

geo time EQ_INC20 RB050a
BE 2009 10 10
IT 2009 10 10
BE 2010 50 10
IT 2010 50 10
BE 2011 60 10
IT 2011 50 10
IT 2012 30 20
BE 2012 20 20
IT 2013 30 20
BE 2013 10 20
BE 2014 30 20
IT 2014 20 20
IT 2015 50 20
BE 2015 40 20

Run macro %_example_ds_sort for more examples.


  1. In short, the macro runs the following PROC SORT procedure:
PROC SORT DATA=&ilib..&idsn
BY &asc DESCENDING &desc;
  1. In debug mode (e.g., G_PING_DEBUG=1), the macro is used to return a string:
%let proc=%ds_sort( ... );

where proc is the procedure that launches the operation (see above), and while the actual operation is actually not ran. Further note that in the case the variable G_PING_DEBUG` is not defined in your environment, debug mode is ignored (i.e., by default the operation is ran).


  1. Bassett, B.K. (2006): "The SORT procedure: Beyond the basics".
  2. Fickbohm, D. (2007): "The SORT procedure: Beyond the basics".
  3. Cherny, M. (2015): "Getting the most out of PROC SORT: A review of its advanced options".

See also

%ds_isempty, %lib_check, %var_check, SORT.