PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Join countries available for an aggregate area estimation together with their respective population.

%ctry_population_join(idsn, ctrydsn, time, odsn, where=, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK,


  • dsn : a dataset representing the indicator for which an aggregated value is estimated;
  • ctrydsn : name of the table where the list of countries with the year of estimation is stored;
  • time : year of interest;
  • where : (option) ; default: not set;
  • cds_popxctry, clib : (option) respectively, name and library of the configuration file storing the population of different countries; by default, these parameters are set to the values &G_PING_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY and &G_PING_LIBCFG' (e.g., META_POPULATIONxCOUNTRY and LIBCFG resp.); see %meta_populationxcountry for further description.
  • lib : (option) input dataset library; default (not passed or ' '): lib is set to WORK.


  • odsn : name of the joined dataset;
  • olib : (option) output library.


Run macro %_example_ctry_population_join.

See also

%population_compare, %meta_populationxcountry.