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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AEdge AFace AffineTransformUtil Few basic transformation functions.Agent Aggregation<T> AggregationWithSpatialIndex<T> ATesselation A tesselation to be generalised.AUnit A tesselation unit, which consists of one or several AFaces.BingGeocoder BufferAggregation Aggregation of a set of geometry buffersCAngleValue CartographicResolution Threshold parameters for cartographic representationsCEdgeFaceSize Ensure the edge face constraint (if any) is satisfiedCEdgeGranularity Ensure the granularity of an edge is below a target resolution value.CEdgeNoTriangle Ensure the faces on both sides of the edge do not become triangles.CEdgeSelfIntersection Ensures an edge does not intersect itself (it should remain "simple").CEdgesFacesContainPoints Ensures that the faces on both sides of the edge (if any) contain some specified points.CEdgeSize Ensure too short segment edges are collapsed or lengthened.CEdgeToEdgeIntersection Ensures that an edge does not intersects other ones in an unvalid manner.CEdgeValidity Ensure the edge is valid: 1.CentroidDistance CFaceContainPoints Ensures that the face contains some specified points.CFaceEdgeToEdgeIntersection Ensures that none of the edges of the face intersects other edges.CFaceNoTriangle Ensure a face does not become a triangle.CFaceSize Ensure faces are large enougth.CFaceValidity Ensures that the face remain valid, that is its geometry is simple and valid, and it does not overlap any other face of the tesselation.Circularity Maesure if a shape is close to a circle or not.Closure Clustering<T> Detect spatial clustersClusteringIndex<T> Coalescence ConnexComponents ConnexComponents.EdgeFilter Constraint<T extends Agent> Constraint.ConstraintPriorityComparator<R extends Agent> Constraint.ConstraintSatisfactionComparator<R extends Agent> ConstraintOneShot<T extends Agent> A constraint to force a transformation to be applied.Convexity CPointPointDistance CPointPointMaximalDistance CPointPointMinimalDistance CPointPosition CPointSegmentJoin CPointSegmentMinimalDistance CRSType CRSUtil CSegmentLength CSegmentMaximalLength CSegmentMinimalLength CSegmentOrientation CSegmentSegmentJoin CSegmentSegmentMinimalDistance CSubmicroCenterPosition CTesselationRemoveNarrowGaps CTriangleArea CTriangleCenterPreservation CUnitContainPoints Ensures that the unit contains some specified points.CUnitNoding Check that a unit is correctly noded to its touching ones.CUnitNoNarrowGaps Constraint ensuring that a unit has no narrow gap.CUnitNoNarrowParts Constraint ensuring that a unit has no narrow part.CUnitNoTriangle Ensure an edge does not become a triangle.CUnitOverlap CUnitSizePreservation Constraint ensuring a unit's size is equal to a goal one, typically the initial value.CUnitValidity Cusmoo Cusmoo2 Decomposer Decompose a set of geometries into a lot of smaller geometries, based on a quadtree decomposition.Distance<T> DouglasPeuckerRamerFilter Edge A graph (directed) edge It is defined by an origin node and a destination node.EdgeCollapse EdgeMerging EdgeScaling EdgeValidity Elongation Elongation.WidthApproximation Engine<T extends Agent> Face A graph face.FaceAggregation FaceScaling FaceValidity Feature A POJO structure to represent simple geographical feature.FeatureClusteringIndex FeatureDistance Distance for simple features.FeatureUtil GAELConstraint GAELDecomposers GAELDeformable GAELPoint GAELRelationnalConstraint GAELSimpleConstraint GAELSubmicro GaussianLineSmoothing Line gaussian smoothing.Geocoder GeocodingAddress GeocodingResult GeocodingUtil GeoData Some generic function to load data from mainstream data formats: gpkg, shp, geojson.GeoDiff Analyse the differences between two versions of a dataset.GISCOGeocoderAPI Some function to geocode data based on addresses using GISCO geocoder.GISCOGeocoderNominatimDetail Some function to geocode data based on addresses using GISCO geocoder.GISCOGeocoderNominatimQuery Some function to geocode data based on addresses using GISCO geocoder.Granularity Granularity measure based on segments' length statisticsGranularity.GranularityMeasurement Graph Valued and oriented graph.GraphBuilder GraphElement Generic class for graph elements: Node, Edge, FaceGraphQuality GraphSimplify Some functions to simplify linear meshes.GraphToFeature Transform graph elements in features.GraphUnion Build the union of various graphsGraphUtils Various algorithms on graphs.Grid Build a grid.GridCell A grid cell.GridCell.GridCellGeometryType The type of grid cell geometry: The surface representation (a square) or its center point.GridUtil A number of functions on grids.HausdorffDistance Compute the Hausdorff distance between two geometries.HolesDeletion JTSGeomUtil LineStringPairAverage Build a line representing the average of two lines.LittleThumblingDensifier Densify a geometry using the "Little Thumbling" strategy: Add a vertex for each step along the line.MinimumSpanningTree MorphologicalAnalysis NetworkEdgeMatching Compute edgematching of network data collected on different regions.Node A graph node.NodeDisplacement NodeReduction NodeReduction.NodeReductionCriteria NodingUtil NodingUtil.NodingIssue NodingUtil.NodingIssueType Orientation Partition Partition.GeomType Partition.PartitionedOperation Resolutionise SemanticDistance Compare the attribute existance and their values (if they exist) of the two features.ShortEdgesDeletion SimpleFeatureUtil Conversion functions from GeoTools SimpleFeatures from/to FeatureSize SMAngle SMSegment SMSinglePoint SMTriangle SplitLine Squarring Stroke StrokeAnalysis StrokeConnectionSalienceComputation StrokeSalienceComputation TEdgeCollapse TEdgeScale Transformation to alter the length of a graph edge.TEdgeSimplifier Generic class for edge geometry simplifiers.TEdgeSimplifierGaussianSmoothing TEdgeSimplifierRamerDouglasPeucker TEdgeSimplifierVisvalingamWhyatt TesselationGeneralisation Default procedure for basic generalisation of statistical units tesselations.TesselationGeneralisationSpecification TesselationQuality TFaceAggregation TFaceIslandDeletion Delete a graph face.TFaceScaling TopologyAnalysis TPoint TPointFactory TPointFactoryImpl TPointImpl Transformation<T extends Agent> TransformationCancellable<T extends Agent> TransformationNonCancellable<T extends Agent> Triangle Triangulation TSegment TSegmentFactory TSegmentFactoryImpl TSegmentImpl TTriangle TTriangleFactory TTriangleFactoryImpl TTriangleImpl Union Efficient union of polygons.Util VertexRemoval