Class GeoDiff

  • public class GeoDiff
    extends Object
    Analyse the differences between two versions of a dataset. Compute the difference in GeoDiff format. Note: both datasets are suppose to have a shared stable identifier.
    julien Gaffuri
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoDiff

        public GeoDiff​(Collection<Feature> fs1,
                       Collection<Feature> fs2,
                       double resolution)
        fs1 - The dataset in the first version.
        fs2 - The dataset in the second version.
        resolution - The geometrical resolution of the dataset. Geometrical differences below this value will be ignored.
      • GeoDiff

        public GeoDiff​(Collection<Feature> fs1,
                       Collection<Feature> fs2)
        fs1 - The dataset in the first version.
        fs2 - The dataset in the second version.
    • Method Detail

      • getResolution

        public double getResolution()
        The geometrical resolution of the dataset. Geometrical differences below this value will be ignored.
      • getDifferences

        public Collection<Feature> getDifferences()
        The differences between the two versions.
      • getIdentical

        public Collection<Feature> getIdentical()
        The features that have are identical.
      • getAttributesToIgnore

        public List<String> getAttributesToIgnore()
      • setAttributesToIgnore

        public void setAttributesToIgnore​(String... attributesToIgnore)
        attributesToIgnore -
      • compare

        public static Feature compare​(Feature fs1,
                                      Feature fs2,
                                      double resolution,
                                      List<String> attributesToIgnore)
        Compare two versions of the same feature. Both features are expected to have the same identifier and the same structure (list of attributes). The differences can be either on the attribute values, or on the geometry.
        fs1 - The dataset in the first version
        fs2 - The dataset in the second version
        attributesToIgnore -
        resolution - The geometrical resolution of the dataset. Geometrical differences below this value will be ignored.
        A feature representing the difference.
      • getHausdorffGeomDifferences

        public Collection<Feature> getHausdorffGeomDifferences()
        A collection of features representing the geometrical differences. For each feature whose geometry is different, a segment representing the hausdorff distance between the first and second version geometries is created. This feature allows assessing the magnitude of the geometrical difference.
      • getGeomDifferences

        public Collection<Feature> getGeomDifferences()
        Features representing the geometrical parts which have been deleted/inserted between the two versions.
      • findIdStabilityIssues

        public static Collection<Feature> findIdStabilityIssues​(Collection<Feature> differences,
                                                                double resolution)
        Detect among some differences the ones are are unecessary: The deletion and insertion of features with very similar geometries. This happen when id stability is not strictly followed.
        differences - The differences to check.
        resolution - The spatial resolution value to consider two geometries as similar.
        The collection of unecessary differences.
      • getDifferences

        public static Collection<Feature> getDifferences​(Collection<Feature> fs1,
                                                         Collection<Feature> fs2,
                                                         double resolution)
        Return the differences from a version of a dataset to another one.
        fs1 - The dataset first version
        fs2 - The dataset second version
        resolution - The geometrical resolution of the dataset. Geometrical differences below this value will be ignored.
        The differences
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(Collection<Feature> fs1,
                                     Collection<Feature> fs2,
                                     double resolution)
        Analyse the differences between two datasets to check wether they are identical.
        fs1 - The first dataset
        fs2 - The second dataset
        resolution - The geometrical resolution of the dataset. Geometrical differences below this value will be ignored.
      • equals

        public static boolean equals​(Collection<Feature> fs1,
                                     Collection<Feature> fs2)
        Analyse the differences between two datasets to check wether they are identical.
        fs1 - The first dataset
        fs2 - The second dataset
      • applyChanges

        public static void applyChanges​(Collection<Feature> fs,
                                        Collection<Feature> differences)
        Apply changes to features.
        fs - The features to change, in their initial version.
        differences - The changes to apply.
      • applyChange

        public static void applyChange​(Feature f,
                                       Feature diff,
                                       String ct)
        Apply a change to a feature.
        f - The feature to change, in its initial version.
        diff - The change. NB: this change cannot be a deletion or an insertion
        ct - The type of change, if known.