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Guidelines and script (bash) for generic standalone code documentation

Command usage

First, document your source code file(s) according to the guidelines. Given such source file(s), you can then run the script with the following syntax:

bash [-h] [-v] [-t] [-p] [-f <fname>] [-d <dir>] <filename>

where the parameters are:

so as to extract the documentation header(s) from the source file(s) and create one (or several) markdown formatted file(s) containing the documentation alone. Practical examples of usage are presented in the examples page of this documentation.

This(ese) file(s) will look exactly like the header(s) in the program(s) if you except the markers of the specific language comment and can then be used to generate the online/browsable documentation. Doxygen is the tool used to actually generate the documentation. The full set of guidelines/best practices for running this software is available in the dedicated section of the Doxygen website.