This vignette provides information about applying the correspondenceTables package on the sample datasets included in it.

ATTENTION: please set as working directory a folder different than the folder in which the package has been installed, for instance as follows:

csv_files<-list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = ".csv")
if (length(csv_files)>0) unlink(csv_files)


If users wish so, they can make copies of the sample datasets in a local folder of their choice. There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Unpack into any folder of your choice the tar.gz file in which the package has arrived. All sample datasets may be found in the “inst/extdata” subfolder of this folder.

  2. Copy sample datasets from the “extdata” subfolder of the folder in which the package has been installed in your PC’s R library.


Application of function updateCorrespondenceTable().

Case 1

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "CPA21.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CPA21.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When there are redundant records, these are removed and kept exactly one record for each unique combination.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase1.csv"),
                                 "B", 0.4, 0.4, TRUE)
print(UPC[[1]][1:10, 1:7])
#>     CN 2021  CN 2022  CPA 2.1 CodeChange Review Redundancy NoMatchToAStar
#> 1  Multiple 03099000 10.20.34          1      1          1              0
#> 2  Multiple 16021000 10.89.19          1      1          1              0
#> 3  Multiple 16029099 10.89.19          1      1          1              0
#> 4  Multiple 24041100 12.00.19          1      0          1              0
#> 5  Multiple 24041200 20.59.59          1      0          1              0
#> 6  Multiple 24041990 20.59.59          1      0          1              0
#> 7  Multiple 24049900 20.59.59          1      0          1              0
#> 8  Multiple 28444110 20.13.13          1      0          1              0
#> 9  Multiple 28444210 20.13.13          1      0          1              0
#> 10 Multiple 28444320 20.13.13          1      0          1              0
#>   Classification: Name
#> 1           A: CN 2021
#> 2           B: CPA 2.1
#> 3       AStar: CN 2022

Case 2

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "PRODCOM2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_PRODCOM2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When there are redundant records, these are removed and kept exactly one record for each unique combination.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase2.csv"), "A", 0.4, 0.3, TRUE)

Case 3

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "NAICS2017.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "NAICS2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "NACE.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "NAICS2017_NACE.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "NAICS2017_NAICS2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When there are redundant records, these are removed and kept exactly one record for each unique combination.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase3.csv"), "none", 0.5, 0.3, TRUE)

Case 4

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "NST2007.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_NST2007.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When no trimming is executed, redundant records are shown, together with the redundancy flag.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase4.csv"), "B", 0.4, 0.3, TRUE)

Case 5

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "SITC4.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_SITC4.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When no trimming is executed, redundant records are shown, together with the redundancy flag.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase5.csv"), "B", 0.3, 0.7, TRUE)

Case 6

Execute the following code in order to get the path of the required input files.

A <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
B <- system.file("extdata", "BEC4.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AB <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_BEC4.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")
AAStar <- system.file("extdata", "CN2021_CN2022.csv", package = "correspondenceTables")

Execute the following code line to apply function updateCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When no trimming is executed, redundant records are shown, together with the redundancy flag.

UPC <- updateCorrespondenceTable(A, B, AStar, AB, AAStar, file.path(tmp_dir,"updateCorrespondenceTableCase6.csv"), "B", 0.3, 0.6, FALSE)

Application of function newCorrespondenceTable().

The function fullPath is used in all cases in order to get the path of the required input files.

fullPath <- function(CSVraw, CSVappended){
  NamesCsv <- system.file("extdata", CSVraw, package = "correspondenceTables")
  A <- read.csv(NamesCsv, header = FALSE, sep = ",")
   for (i in 1:nrow(A)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(A)) {
      if (A[i,j]!="") {
        A[i, j] <- system.file("extdata", A[i, j], package = "correspondenceTables")
  write.table(x = A, file = file.path(tmp_dir,CSVappended), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",")

Case 1

fullPath("names1.csv", "names.csv")

Execute the following code to apply function newCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When no trimming is executed, redundant records are shown, together with the redundancy flag.

system.time(NCT <- newCorrespondenceTable(file.path(tmp_dir,"names.csv"), file.path(tmp_dir,"newCorrespondenceTableCase1.csv"), "A", 0.5, FALSE))
#> Percentage of codes of ISIC Rev. 4 processed:
#> Percentage of codes of CPA 2.1 processed:
print(NCT[[1]][1:10, 1:6])
#>    ISIC Rev. 4 CPC 2.1 CPA 2.1 Review Redundancy Redundancy_keep
#> 1                           01                 0               0
#> 2                         01.1                 0               0
#> 3                        01.11                 0               0
#> 4                      01.11.1                 0               0
#> 5                      01.11.2                 0               0
#> 6                      01.11.3                 0               0
#> 7                      01.11.4                 0               0
#> 8                      01.11.5                 0               0
#> 9                      01.11.6                 0               0
#> 10                     01.11.7                 0               0
#>   Classification: Name
#> 1       A: ISIC Rev. 4
#> 2          C1: CPC 2.1
#> 3           B: CPA 2.1

Case 2

fullPath("names2.csv", "names.csv")

Execute the following code to apply function newCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When no trimming is executed, redundant records are shown, together with the redundancy flag.

system.time(NCT <- newCorrespondenceTable(file.path(tmp_dir,"names.csv"), file.path(tmp_dir,"newCorrespondenceTableCase2.csv"), "B", 0.5, FALSE))
#> Percentage of codes of CN 2022 processed:
#> Percentage of codes of NACE Rev. 2 processed:

Case 3

fullPath("names3.csv", "names.csv")

Execute the following code to apply function newCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When there are redundant records, these are removed and kept exactly one record for each unique combination.

system.time(NCT <- newCorrespondenceTable(file.path(tmp_dir,"names.csv"), file.path(tmp_dir,"newCorrespondenceTableCase3.csv"), "B", 0.5, TRUE))
#> Percentage of codes of NACE Rev. 2 processed:
#> Percentage of codes of ISIC Rev. 4 processed:

Case 4

fullPath("names4.csv", "names.csv")

Execute the following code to apply function newCorrespondenceTable() on these data. When there are redundant records, these are removed and kept exactly one record for each unique combination.

system.time(NCT <- newCorrespondenceTable(file.path(tmp_dir,"names.csv"), file.path(tmp_dir,"newCorrespondenceTableCase4.csv"), "none", 0.96, TRUE))
#> Percentage of codes of NACE Rev. 2 processed:
#> Percentage of codes of SITC4 processed: