PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Return the observations of a given variable in a dataset into a formatted (e.g., parentheses-enclosed, comma-separated and/or quote-enhanced) list of strings.

%var_to_clist(dsn, var, by=, _varclst_=, distinct=no, mark=%str(%"), sep=%str(,), lib=WORK);


  • dsn : a dataset reference;
  • var : either a field name, or the position of a field name in, in dsn, whose values (observations) will be converted into a list;
  • by : (option) a variable to further split the dataset into subsets (using %ds_split), one for each value of by prior to extract the observations; the final list (see _varclst_) is obtained as the concatenation of the different extractions obtained for each subset, in the order of appearance of by values in the dataset dsn; by must differ from var; default: empty, i.e. by is not used;
  • distinct : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to return in the list only distinct values from var variable; in practice, runs a SQL SELECT DISTINCT process prior to the values' extraction; default: no, i.e. all values are returned;
  • na_rm : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to remove missing (NA) values from the observations; default: na_rm=yes, therefore all missing (. or ' ') values will be discarded in the output list;
  • mark, sep : (option) characters/strings used respectively as a "quote" and a separator in the input list; default: mark=str(%"), and" sep= %quote(,), i.e. the input clist is a comma-separated list of quote-enhanced items; see %clist_unquote for further details; note in particular the use of mark=_EMPTY_ to actually set mark=%quote();
  • lib : (option) output library; default (not passed or ' '): lib is set to WORK.


_varclst_ : name of the macro variable used to store the output formatted list, i.e. the list of (comma-separated) main observations in between quotes.


Let us consider the test dataset #32 in WORK.dsn:

geo value
BE 0
AT 0.1
BG 0.2
LU 0.3
FR 0.4
IT 0.5

then running the macro:

%let ctry=;
%var_to_clist(_dstest32, geo, _varclst_=ctry);
%var_to_clist(_dstest32, 1, _varclst_=ctry);

will both return: ctry=("BE","AT","BG","LU","FR","IT"), while:

%let val=;
%var_to_clist(_dstest32, value, _varclst_=val, distinct=yes, lib=WORK);

will return: val=("0","0.1","0.2","0.3","0.4","0.5"). Let us know consider the table _dstest3:

color value
blue 1
blue 2
blue 3
green 3
green 4
red 2
red 3
red 4

it is possible to retrieve the observations by variable using the following instructions:

%let val1=;
%var_to_clist(_dstest3, value, by = color, _varclst_=val1, mark=_EMPTY_);

which returns the list val1=(1 2 3,3 4,2 3 4) of value observations for distinct color observations (say it otherwise: the first sequence of numbers is the list of value observations for blue, ibid the second for green, ibid the third for red), and:

%let val2=;
%var_to_clist(_dstest3, color, by = value, _varclst_=val2);

which returns the list val2=("blue","blue red","blue green red","green red") of color observations for distinct value observations.

Run macro %_example_var_to_clist for more examples.


The option by is not available for the macro %var_to_list which var_to_clist derives from.

See also

%var_to_list, %clist_to_var, %var_info, %list_quote, %ds_split.