PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Calculate the transform of a list given by a mapping table (similarly to a LookUp Transform, LUT).

%list_apply(map, list, _applst_=, var=, casense=no, sep=%quote( ), lib=WORK);


  • list : list of unformatted strings;
  • sep : (option) character/string used as a separator in the input lists; default: sep=%quote( ), i.e. the input list1 and list2 are both blank-separated lists of items.


_applst_ : name of the variable storing the output list built as the list of items obtained through the transform defined by the variables var of the table map, namely: assuming all elements in list can be found in the (unique) observations of the origin variable, the element in the i-th position of the output list is the j-th element of the destination variable when j is the position of the i-th element of list in the origin variable.


%let list=FR LU BG;
%let maplst=
%list_apply(_dstest32, &list, _applst_=maplst, var=1 2);

returns: maplst=0.4 0.3 0.2.

Run macro %_example_list_apply for more examples.


It is not checked that the values in the origin variable are unique.

See also

%var_to_list, %list_find, %list_index, %ds_select.