PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Retrieve (count) the occurrences of (dis)aggregated income variables in the input database.

%income_components_disaggregated(geo, year, var, idsn=, level=, weight=, cond=FILLED,
index=0 1 2 3 4, odsn=SUMMARY_INC, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • geo : a list of countries or a geographical area; default: geo=EU28;
  • year : year of interest;
  • var : list of (personal and household) income components to be considered for disaggregation;
  • index : (option) index defining the disaggregated income component to analyse; it is any integer (or list of integers) in [0-4], where 0 means that the aggregated variable will also be analysed; default: index=0 1 2 3 4, i.e. all disaggregated components are analysed;
  • cond : (option) flag/expression used to define which properties of the disaggregated variable is analysed; it can be:
    • MISSING for counting the number of observations where the flag is 1;
    • NOTMISSING, ibid for observations where the flag is NOT -1;
    • NULL for counting the number of observations where either the variable or the flag are null (value =0),
    • NOTNULL, ibid for observations where both the variable and the flag are non null (value >0);
    • FILLED for counting observations with non null variable (value >0) and observations with non null flag (value >0);
  • idsn : (option) name of the input dataset; when passed, all the variables listed in var should be present in the dataset idsn; when not passed, the input dataset will be set automatically to the PDB for the given year and the type of the given variable (see macro silc_db_locate); default: not passed;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library passed together with idsn; default: not passed, i.e. set automatically to the library of the PDB;
  • weight : !!! NOT IMPLEMENTED YET (option) personal weight variable used to weighting the distribution; default: weight=RB050a !!!


  • odsn : (option) name of the output dataset; default: odsn=SUMMARY_INC;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default, when not set, olib=WORK.


  1. This macro simply counts the occurrences of disaggregated income components according to the condition(s) expressed in COND. It does not use any PROC FREQ for instance.
  2. The weight weight is currently not used.


EU-SILC survey reference document doc65.

See also

income_components_gini, silc_db_locate.