PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment
SAS silc_db_locate
%silc_db_locate(survey, time, geo=, db=, src=,
_ftyp_=, _ds_=, _path_=,
cds_transxyear=META_TRANSMISSIONxYEAR, clib=LIBCFG);


  • survey : type of the survey; this is represented by any of the character values defined in the global variable G_PING_SURVEYTYPES, i.e. as:
    • X. C or CROSS for a cross-sectional survey,
    • L or LONG for a longitudinal survey,
    • E or EARLY for an early survey,
  • time : a single selected year of interest;
  • geo : (option) string(s) representing the ISO-code(s) of (a) country(ies); note that when geo is not passed and &src=raw (see below), the output parameters _path_ and _ds_ cannot be defined: only _ftyp_ can be returned (see below); in all other cases, geo is ignored;
  • db : (option) database(s) to retrieve; it can be any of the character values defined through the global variable G_PING_BASETYPES, i.e.:

    • D for household register/D file,
    • H for household/H file,
    • P for personal register/P file,
    • R for register/R file,

    so as to represent the corresponding bulk databases (files); by default,db=&G_PING_BASETYPES;

  • src : (option) string defining the source location where to look for bulk database; this can be either the full path of the directory where to search in, or any of the following strings:

    • raw so that the path of the search directory is set to the value of G_PING_RAWDB,
    • bdb, ibid with the value of G_PING_BDB,
    • pdb, ibid with the value of G_PING_PDB,
    • idb, ibid with the value of G_PING_IDB,
    • udb, ibid with the value of G_PING_UDB;

    note that the latter four cases are independent of the parameter chosen for geo; note also that src=bdb and src=idb are incompatible with survey<>X; furthermore, when src=idb, the parameter db is ignored; by default, src is set to &G_PING_RAWDB (e.g. &G_PING_ROOTPATH/main) so as to look for raw data;

  • cds_transxyear, clib : (options) configuration file storing the the yearly definition of microdata transmission files' format, and library where it is actually stored; for further description of the table, see %meta_transmissionxyear; this will be essentially used when src=RAW.


  • _ftyp_ : (option) longitudinal, cross-sectional or reconsilied/regular
  • _ds_ : (option) name(s) of the bulk dataset(s) extracted from the databases in db; in practice, all bulk datasets (files) have generic name of the form:

    • &ts.&yy.&db when src is in (pdb,udb),
    • bdb_&ts.&yy.&db when src=bdb (bdb_c available only),
    • idb.&yy when src=idb,
    • &ts.&geo.&yy.&db when src=bdb,


    • ts is the type of the tranmission file whose definition depends on survey (i.e. either C, L, E, or R),
    • db is any element of db (i.e. either D, H, P, or R),
    • geo is any ISO-code represented in geo,
    • yy is composed of the last two digits of atime (i.e. if time=2014, then yy=14)

    and are retrieved from the database library associated to src;

  • _path_ : (option) path to longitudinal, cross-sectional or reconsilied/regular database(s), set depending on src.


Let us consider the following simple example:

%let ftyp=;
%silc_db_locate(X, 2014, _ftyp_=ftyp);

will return ftyp=r because cross-sectional data are normally transmitted via regular (R) files since 2014. We can further retrieve the location of the corresponding H file:

%let ds=;
%let path=;
%silc_db_locate(X, 2014, geo=AT, db=H, _ds_=ds, _path_=path);

will set path=/ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/at/r14 and ds=rat14h, while

%let ds=;
%let path=;
%silc_db_locate(X, 2014, geo=AT DE, db=H, _ds_=ds, _path_=path);

will set path=/ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/at/r14 /ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/de/c14 and ds=rat14h cde14h. It is then possible to reconstruct the full paths:

%let file=%list_append(&path, &ds, zip=%quote(/), rep=%quote( ));
%let file=%list_append(&file, %list_ones(%list_length(&file), item=sas7bdat), zip=%quote(.));

sets file=/ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/at/r14/rat14h.sas7bdat /ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/de/c14/cde14h.sas7bdat. Finally:

%let ftyp=;
%let ds=;
%let path=;
%silc_db_locate(X, 2014, geo=AT DE, db=R H, _ftyp_=ftyp, _ds_=ds, _path_=path);

sets ftyp=r c, path=/ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/at/r14 /ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/at/r14 /ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/de/c14 /ec/prod/server/sas/0eusilc/main/de/c14 and ds=rat14r rat14h cde14r cde14h.

Run %_example_silc_db_locate for more examples.


  1. The existence of returned path (in _path_) and dataset (in _ds_) is not verified.
  2. In order to retrieve the type of the transmission file (returned through _ftyp_), this macro runs in practice:
PROC SQL noprint;
INTO :&_ftyp_
%if %list_length(&geo)>0 %then %do;
FROM &clib..&cds_transxyear
WHERE transmission="%upcase(&survey)" and
%if %list_length(&geo)>0 and &src=raw %then %do;
geo in (%list_quote(&geo))
%else %do;

Following, to retrieve the common type ftyp of transmission files for a given year time and a survey of type survey, simply run:

%let ftyp=;
%silc_db_locate(&survey, &time, _ftyp_=ftyp);
  1. Note that from the output path and dataset, you can easily reconstruct the full path(s) (directory name + dataset name + extension) of the original SAS files, e.g. for given survey, db, time and geo:
%let ds=;
%let path=;
%silc_db_locate(survey, db, time, geo=geo, _ds_=ds, _path_=path);
%let fullpath=%list_append(&path, &ds, zip=%quote(/), rep=%quote( ));
%let fullpath=%list_append(&fullpath, %list_ones(%list_length(&fullpath), item=sas7bdat),
zip=%quote(.), rep=%quote( - ));

See also

silc_db_locate (Stata), %silc_ds_extract, %meta_transmissionxyear.