PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Execute a macro with its arguments.

%macro_execute(macro_name, macro_arguments... );
%let ... =%macro_execute(macro_name, macro_arguments... );


  • macro_name : name of the macro (whose existence will be checked) to run; if the macro does not exist, do nothing;
  • macro_arguments... : (option) whatever additional (positional or keyword) arguments taken by the macro %&macro_name.


... whatever the original macro %&macro_name returns.


The macro %macro_execute does not test the actual existence of macro_name. Therefore, this macro should be combined together with %macro_exist prior to its use, e.g. to be ran as:

%macro_exist(&macro_name, _ans_=ans);
%if %error_handle(ErrorInputParameter, &ans EQ 0, txt=!!! Input macro not found !!!) %then
%goto exit;
%macro_execute(&macro_name, &macro_arguments);

See also

%macro_exist, CxMacro, CxInclud, CallMacr.