PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Define if a (list of) string(s) actually define variables in a given dataset.

%str_isvar(dsn, var, _ans_=, _var_=, lib=WORK, sep=%str( ));


  • dsn : a reference dataset;
  • var : list of string elements to be from the dataset when they exist;
  • lib : (option) name of the input library; by default: WORK is used;
  • sep : (option) character/string separator in input var list; default: %str( ), i.e. sep is blank.


  • _ans_ : (option) name of the macro variable storing the list of same length as var where the i-th item provides the answer of the test above for the i-th item in var, i.e.:
    • 1 if it is the name of a variable in var,
    • 0 if not; either this option or the next one (_var_) must be set so as to run the macro;
  • _var_ : (option) name of the macro variable storing the updated list from which all elements that do not macth existing variables/fields in dsn have been removed.


Let us consider the table _dstest5:

f e d c b a
. 1 2 3 . 5


%let var=a b y z c;
%let ans=;
%let list=;
%str_isvar(_dstest5, &var, _ans_=ans, _var_=list);

returns ans=1 1 0 0 1 and list=a b c, the only string elements of var which define variables in _dstest5.

Run macro %_example_str_isvar for more examples.


  1. In short, this macro "intersects" the list var with the list of variables in dsn, i.e. running:
%let allvars=;
%ds_contents(&dsn, _varlst_=allvars, lib=&lib);
%let &_var_=%list_intersection(&var, &allvars);
  1. The order of the variables in the output list matches that in the input list var.
  2. When none of the string elements in var matches a variable in dsn, an empty list is set.

See also

%str_isgeo, %ds_contents, %var_check, %ds_check.