PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Create a dataset by applying filtering conditions (when it exists), and/or stacking it with annother dataset (one-to-one or one-to-many merge).

%ds_merge(ref, rlib=WORK, dsn=, lib=WORK, by=, cond=, if=);


  • ref : a master/reference dataset; may exist or not;
  • rlib : (option) name of the library where the master dataset ref is stored; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used; however, if ref does not exist and dsn is given, then it is set to lib (see below), otherwise it is set to the default value;
  • dsn : (option) a secondary datasets to stack/merge with the reference dataset;
  • lib : (option) name of the library where the dataset dsn is stored; by default: empty and WORK is used;
  • by : (option) list of variables to use for (smart) sorted output stack; both datasets ref and dsn need to be sorted by the same variables beforehand;
  • cond : (option) condition to apply to dsn data set;
  • if : (option) condition to apply to dsn input data sets.


Updates or creates the master dataset ref.


Let us consider both tables _dstest30 and _dstest31, as respectively: The following table is stored in _dstest30:

geo value
BE 0
AT 0.1
BG 0.2
'' 0.3
FR 0.4
IT 0.5

The following table is stored in _dstest31:

geo value unit
AT 0.1 EUR
BG 0.2 NAC
LU 0.3 EUR
FR 0.4 NAC
IT 0.5 EUR

then we can "merge" _dstest30 into _dstest31 by invoking the macro as follows:

%let cond=%quote(in=a in=b);
%let by=%quote(geo );
%let if=%quote(A and B);

so that we get the output table:

geo value unit
AT 0.1 EUR
BG 0.2 NAC
FR 0.4 NAC
IT 0.5 EUR

since the condition cond applies on the table ds_input_vi.

Run macro %_example_ds_merge for more examples.


The macro %ds_merge processes several occurrences of the data setp merge, e.g. in short it runs something like:

DATA &rlib..&ref;
%do _i=1 %to &ndsn;
%let _dsn = %scan(&dsn, &_i);
%if &nlib >1 %then %do;
%let _lib = %scan(&lib, &_i);
%if &existcond=1 %then %do;
(%scan(&cond, &_i))
%if not %macro_isblank(by) %then %do;
by &by;
%if not %macro_isblank(cond) and not %macro_isblank(if) %then %do;
if &if;


  1. Michael J. Wieczkowski, IMS HEALTH, Plymouth Meeting: Alternatives to Merging SAS Data Sets ... But Be Careful
  2. IDRE Research Technology Group"SAS learning module match merging data files in SAS".

See also

%ds_check, %ds_delete, %ds_sort.