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Agnostic (re)implementations (R/SAS/Python/C) of common quantile estimation algorithms.

Micro web-service

app_quantile: Simple web-service that runs configurable estimation of empirical quantiles over a sample data file.

Python-based web-service

We create a very basic (quick & dirty) web interface to the quantile estimation algorithm implemented in syntax. To do so, it is only needed to install Flask.

Description of the program

The web application is the app object of class Flask that appears in the source program When launched (see below), this application renders a HTML page which looks that the figure below:

app view

and which is configured through the template page templates/index.html.

Input parameters of the quantile estimation are provided through a data model. This model is a special Flask class named QuantileForm derived from FlaskForm class. Namely, all the variables of the app are listed as static class attributes and initialised by a special form field object (from the wtforms package). Such form field objects correspond to HTML forms in the input page.

Data are presented to the user through a specific view. The view part of is given by the function index (and the decorator @app.route) which is called every time the web-application URL is invoked.

Running the service

It is enough to launch the program to run the web-application on your “local server” (i.e., localhost). This will generally look like:

> python
 	* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 	* Restarting with stat

Open a new window or tab in your browser and type in the URL to have the display page of the quantile estimation web-application. Then provide with the input dataset and configure the parameters of the estimation:

app run

Our application uses the same page for grabbing input from the user and presenting the result of the quantile estimation. This will render like below:

app run

R-based web-service

Python-based REST API