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Setup Guide


The multimno software is a python application using the PySpark library to harness the power of Apache Spark, a fast and general-purpose cluster-computing system. PySpark provides an interface for Apache Spark in Python, enabling developers to utilize Spark's high-level APIs and distributed computing capabilities while working in the Python programming language. The Spark framework is critical to this application as it handles the distribution of data and computation across the cluster, ensures fault tolerance, and optimizes execution for performance gains. Deployment of a PySpark application can be done in two ways:

1) Cluster mode: On a Cluster, where Spark distributes tasks across the nodes, allowing for parallel processing and efficient handling of large-scale data workloads. Recommended for production environments. 2) Local mode: On a single node, where Spark runs on a single machine. Recommended for development and testing environments.

Cluster Mode

There are multiple ways of deploying a Spark cluster: Standalone, YARN managed, Kubernetes, Cloud managed services...

This guide will not enter in the specific steps for deploying a Spark cluster and only explain the requirements and software installation steps in an existing cluster. All nodes in the cluster created shall satisfy the OS libraries requirements.

Spark cluster mode official documentation:

Package & deploy the code

There are two ways of deploying the code:

WHL method

Package the code into a whl file that contains all the code and python dependencies required. Use the following command to package it:

python3 -m pip build

The python version and OS used to package the code must be the same of the nodes of the spark cluster.
The python library build must be installed beforehand. To install it use: pip install build --upgrade

Then, just install this package with all its dependencies into every node of the cluster with:

pip install multimno*.whl

Internet connection is required to download all needed dependencies from the pypi repository

ZIP method

Zip all code under multimno directory into a single file. Then send it to the Spark server through the spark-submit configuration parameter: When using this method, the cluster must have the python dependencies installed beforehand.

Install Dependencies

Multimno software is a pyspark application that needs both java and python depencies intalled to run.

Java Dependencies

The application uses the Apache Sedona engine to perform spatial calculations. In order to install this engine, the jar files must be downloaded to the cluster. These files can be downloaded at execution time through the maven repository, specifying them in the spark configuration, or they can be downloaded manually into the $SPARK_HOME/jars dir of every node in the cluster.

Reference - Sedona installation:

Python Dependencies

A requirement of a pyspark application is that the python version must be alligned for all the cluster.

The software needs a set of python dependencies to be installed in every node of the cluster. These dependencies will be installed automatically when using the WHL method. If you are using the ZIP method you will need to install them manually into every node of the cluster through the requirements file. Install the dependencies of the pyproject.toml file into every node of the cluster.

Local Mode

There are two ways of setting up a system for executing the source code in local mode:
1) Building the docker image provided. (Recommended)
2) Installing and setting up all required system libraries.

Docker setup

A Dockerfile is provided to build a docker image with all necessary dependencies for the code execution.

Installing docker software

To use the docker image it is necessary to have the docker engine installed. Please follow the official docker guide to set it up in your system: - Official guide: Click here

Docker image creation

Execute the following command:

docker build -t multimno:1.0-prod --target=multimno-prod .

Docker container creation

Run an example pipeline within a container

docker run --rm --name=multimno-container -v "${PWD}/sample_data:/opt/data" -v "${PWD}/pipe_configs:/opt/app/pipe_configs" multimno:1.0-prod pipe_configs/pipelines/pipeline.json

Run a container in interactive mode

docker run -it --name=multimno-container -v "${PWD}/sample_data:/opt/data" -v "${PWD}/pipe_configs:/opt/app/pipe_configs" --entrypoint=bash multimno:1.0-prod 

After performing this command your shell(command-line) will be inside the container and you can perform the execution steps to try out the code.

Clean up

Exit the terminal with:

Ctrl+D or writing exit

Delete the container created with:

docker rm multimno-container

Delete the docker image with:

docker rmi multimno:1.0-prod

Software setup

The software is aimed to be executed in a Linux OS. It is recommended to use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS but these steps should also work in MAC OS 12.6(or superior) and in Windows 11 with WSL2 and setting up as the distro of WSL Ubuntu 22.04.

Install system libs

sudo apt-get update && \
    sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
      sudo \
      openjdk-17-jdk \
      build-essential \
      software-properties-common \
      openssh-client openssh-server \
      gdal-bin \
      libgdal-dev \

Download Spark source code

export SPARK_HOME=${SPARK_HOME:-"/opt/spark"}
mkdir -p ${SPARK_HOME}
wget${SPARK_VERSION}/spark-${SPARK_VERSION}-bin-hadoop3.tgz \
  && tar -xvzf spark-${SPARK_VERSION}-bin-hadoop3.tgz --directory /opt/spark --strip-components 1 \
  && rm -rf spark-${SPARK_VERSION}-bin-hadoop3.tgz
export PATH="${PATH}:$SPARK_HOME/bin:$SPARK_HOME/sbin"

Install python requirements

pip install --upgrade pip uv
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml

You can use a virtualenv for avoiding conflicts with other python libraries.

Install Spark dependencies

chmod +x ./resources/scripts/

Setup spark configuration

cp conf/spark-defaults.conf "$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf"
cp conf/ "$SPARK_HOME/conf/"