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LongtermPermanenceScore Configuration

To initialise and run the component two configs are used - general_config.ini and synthetic_network.ini. In general_config.ini all paths to the corresponding data objects shall be specified. Example:

network_data_bronze = ${Paths:bronze_dir}/mno_network

The expected parameters in synthetic_network.ini are as follows: - seed: integer, seed for random number generation used to generate the synthetic network topology data. - n_cells: positive integer, number of synthetic cells that will be generated. Example: 500. - cell_id_generation_type: string, identifier of the generator of cell IDs to be used. Currently the only option available is random_cell_id, which generates a random 14- or 15- digit string. Example: random_cell_id. - cell_type_options: comma-separated list of strings, it contains the values that the cell_type field can take for the generated synthetic data. Each option has the same probability of being assigned. Example: macrocell, microcell, picocell, femtocell. - latitude_min: float, minimum latitude that defines the bounding box in which the coordinates of the synthetic cells will be generated. - latitude_max: float, maximum latitude that defines the bounding box in which the coordinates of the synthetic cells will be generated. - longitude_min: float, minimum longitude that defines the bounding box in which the coordinates of the synthetic cells will be generated. - longitude_max: float, maximum longitude that defines the bounding box in which the coordinates of the synthetic cells will be generated. - altitude_min: float, minimum value that the altitude field can take in the generated cells. Example: -40. - altitude_max: float, maximum value that the altitude field can take in the generated cells. Example: 5000. - antenna_height_max: float, maximum value that the antenna_height field might take in the generated cells. Example: 120. - altitude_min: float, minimum value that the altitude field can take in the generated cells. Example: -40. - altitude_max: float, maximum value that the altitude field can take in the generated cells. Example: 5000. - power_min: float, minimum value that the power field can take in the generated cells. Units are watts (W). Example: 0.1. - power_max: float, maximum value that the power field can take in the generated cells. Units are watts (W). Example: 500. - frequency_min: float, minimum value that the frequency field can take in the generated cells. Units are megahertz (MHz). Example: 1. - frequency_max: float, maximum value that the frequency field can take in the generated cells. Units are megahertz (MHz). Example: 4000. - data_period_format: string, it indicates the format expected in earliest_valid_date_start and latest_valid_date_end. For example, use %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S for the usual "2023-01-09T00:00:00" format. - earliest_valid_date_start: string, it indicates the timestamp value that the valid_date_start will take in all generated cells. Example: 2022-12-15T00:00:00. - latest_valid_date_end: string, it indicates the timestamp value that the valid_date_end will take in all generated cells. Example: 2023-01-15T00:00:00. - date_format: string, it indicates the format expected in starting_date and ending_date. For example, use %Y-%m-%d for the usual "2023-01-09" format separated by -. Example: %Y-%m-%d. - starting_date: string, format should be the one specified date_format (e.g., 2023-01-01 for %Y-%m-%d), the first date for which data will be generated. All dates between this one and the specified in ending_date will be have data generated (both inclusive). The cell properties will be equal across all dates. - ending_date: string, format should be the one specified date_format (e.g., 2023-01-09 for %Y-%m-%d), the last date for which data will be generated. All dates between the specified in starting_date and this one will be have data generated (both inclusive). The cell properties will be equal across all dates. - no_optional_fields_probability: float, probability that all of the optional fields of a record take the null value. Example: 0.05. - mandatory_null_probability: float, probability that one of the mandatory fields of a record will take a null value. Example: 0.05. - out_of_bounds_values_probability: float, probability that a field of a record will take a value outside its valid values. This could be, for example, a negative power or a latitude outside the $[-90, 90]$ interval. Example: 0.05. - erroneous_values_probability: float, probability that one of the following erroneous values might occur: - The cell_id takes a non-valid value (not a 14- or 15-digit string). - The valid_date_start and valid_date_end fields has an invalid timestamp format. - The valid_date_end is a point in time earlier than valid_date_start.

Example: `0.05`.

Configuration example

session_name = SyntheticNetworkSession

seed = 33
n_cells = 500
cell_id_generation_type = random_cell_id  # options: random_cell_id
cell_type_options = macrocell, microcell, picocell, femtocell
latitude_min = 40.352
latitude_max = 40.486
longitude_min = -3.751
longitude_max = -3.579

altitude_min = -40
altitude_max = 5000
# antenna_height_min is always 0
antenna_height_max = 120
power_min = 0.1
power_max = 500
frequency_min = 1
frequency_max = 4000
timestamp_format = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
earliest_valid_date_start = 2022-12-15T00:00:00
latest_valid_date_end = 2023-01-15T00:00:00
date_format = %Y-%m-%d
starting_date = 2023-01-01
ending_date = 2023-01-09

no_optional_fields_probability = 0.0
mandatory_null_probability = 0.0
out_of_bounds_values_probability = 0.0
erroneous_values_probability = 0.0