GridEnrichment Configuration
To initialise and run the component two configs are used - general_config.ini
and grid_enrichment.ini
. In general_config.ini
to execute the component specify all paths to its corresponding data objects (input + output).
transportation_data_bronze = ${Paths:bronze_dir}/spatial/transportation
landuse_data_bronze = ${Paths:bronze_dir}/spatial/landuse
grid_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/grid
enriched_grid_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/grid_enriched
In grid_enrichment.ini parameters are as follows:
clear_destination_directory - boolean, if True, the component will clear all the data in output paths.
do_landcover_enrichment - boolean, if True, the component will enrich the grid with landuse prior probabilities and Path Loss Exponent environment coefficient.
transportation_category_buffer_m - dictionary, buffer distance for each transportation category in meters. Used to convert transportation lines to polygons.
prior_weights - dictionary, weights for each landuse category. Used to calculate prior probabilities.
ple_coefficient_weights - dictionary, weights for each landuse category. Used to calculate Path Loss Exponent coefficient.
do_elevation_enrichment - boolean, if True, the component will enrich the grid with elevation data. Not implemented yet.
Configuration example
session_name = InspireGridGeneration
session_name = GridEnrichment
clear_destination_directory = True
do_landcover_enrichment = True
prior_calculation_repartition_size = 12
transportation_category_buffer_m = {
"primary": 30,
"secondary": 15,
"tertiary": 5,
"pedestrian": 5,
"railroad": 15,
"unknown": 2
prior_weights = {
"residential_builtup": 1.0,
"other_builtup": 1.0,
"roads": 0.5,
"open_area": 0.0,
"forest": 0.1,
"water": 0.0
ple_coefficient_weights = {
"residential_builtup": 1.0,
"other_builtup": 1.0,
"roads": 0.0,
"open_area": 0.0,
"forest": 1.0,
"water": 0.0
do_elevation_enrichment = False