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CellFootprintEstimation Configuration

To initialise and run the component two configs are used - general_config.ini and cell_footprint_estimation.ini. In general_config.ini to execute the component specify all paths to its corresponding data objects (input + output). Example:

network_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/mno_network
grid_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/grid
cell_footprint_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/cell_footprint

In cell_footprint_estimation.ini parameters are as follows:

  • clear_destination_directory - boolean, if True, the component will clear all the data in output paths.

  • data_period_start - string, format should be “yyyy-MM-dd“ (e.g. 2023-01-01), the date from which start Event Cleaning

  • data_period_end - string, format should be “yyyy-MM-dd“ (e.g. 2023-01-05), the date till which perform Event Cleaning

  • logistic_function_steepness - float, the steepness of the logistic function used to estimate the signal dominance (cell footprint) value from signal strength. The default value is 0.2.

  • logistic_function_midpoint - float, the midpoint of the logistic function used to estimate the signal dominance (cell footprint) value from signal strength. The default value is -92.5.

  • use_elevation - boolean, if True, the elevation data will be used for signal strength modeling. If False, the elevation will be set to 0

  • do_azimuth_angle_adjustments - boolean, if True, signal strengths values will be adjusted based on azimuth and antenna horizontal beam widths for directional cells. If False, no adjustments will be made.

  • do_elevation_angle_adjustments - boolean, if True, signal strengths values will be adjusted based on tilt and antenna vertical beam widths for directional cells. If False, no adjustments will be made.

  • cartesian_crs - integer, the coordinate reference system (CRS) to use for the cartesian coordinates. The default value is 3035.

  • do_difference_from_best_sd_prunning - boolean, if True, the cells per grid tile with signal dominance values that are lower than the threshold percentage from the best signal dominance will be pruned. If False, no pruning of this method will be performed.

  • difference_from_best_sd_treshold - float, the threshold percentage from the best signal dominance value. The default value is 90.

  • do_max_cells_per_tile_prunning - boolean, if True, the maximum number of cells per grid tile will be kept, other cells will be pruned. If False, no pruning of this method will be performed.

  • max_cells_per_grid_tile - integer, the maximum number of cells per grid tile. The default value is 10.

  • do_dynamic_coverage_range_calculation - boolean, if True, the component will calculate the dynamic coverage range for each cell based on signal dominance threshold value. If False, default range will be used. Might be useful to reduce computational load, but might take longer to calculate.

  • signal_dominance_treshold - float, the threshold value for signal dominance. The default value is 0.01.

  • coverage_range_line_buffer - integer, the buffer distance of cell range line in meters for dynammic range calculation. The default value is 50. The value should be set based on reference grid resolution.

  • repartition_number - integer, the number of partitions to use for the repartitioning of the data during dynamic range calculations. The default value is 10.

  • do_sd_treshold_prunning - boolean, if True, the cells with signal dominance values that are lower than the threshold will be pruned. If False, no pruning of this method will be performed.

  • default_cell_physical_properties - dictionary, the default physical properties of the cell types. These properties will be assigned to cells of corresponding type if the properties are not found in the network topology data. If cell types are not peresent in network topology data, the default type properties will be assigned to all cells.

Configuration example

clear_destination_directory = True
data_period_start = 2023-01-01
data_period_end = 2023-01-01
logistic_function_steepness = 0.2
logistic_function_midpoint = -92.5

use_elevation = False
do_azimuth_angle_adjustments = True
do_elevation_angle_adjustments = True
cartesian_crs = 3035

do_difference_from_best_sd_prunning = False
difference_from_best_sd_treshold = 90 # percentage

do_max_cells_per_tile_prunning = False
max_cells_per_grid_tile = 100

do_dynamic_coverage_range_calculation = False
signal_dominance_treshold = 0.01
coverage_range_line_buffer = 50
repartition_number = 10

do_sd_treshold_prunning = True

default_cell_physical_properties = {
    'macrocell': {
        'power': 10,
        'range': 10000,
        'path_loss_exponent': 3.75,
        'antenna_height': 30,
        'elevation_angle': 5,
        'vertical_beam_width': 9,
        'horizontal_beam_width': 65,
        'azimuth_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,
        'elevation_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,
    'microcell': {
        'power': 5,
        'range': 1000,
        'path_loss_exponent': 6.0,
        'antenna_height': 8,
        'elevation_angle': 5,
        'vertical_beam_width': 9,
        'horizontal_beam_width': 65,
        'azimuth_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,
        'elevation_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,
    'default': {
        'power': 5,
        'range': 5000,
        'path_loss_exponent': 3.75,
        'antenna_height': 8,
        'elevation_angle': 5,
        'vertical_beam_width': 9,
        'horizontal_beam_width': 65,
        'azimuth_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,
        'elevation_signal_strength_back_loss': -30,