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UsualEnvironmentAggregation Configuration

To initialise and run the component two configs are used - general_config.ini and ue_aggregation.ini. In general_config.ini all paths to the corresponding data objects shall be specified. Example:

usual_environment_labels_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/usual_environment_labels
grid_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/grid
aggregated_usual_environments_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/aggregated_usual_environment

The expected parameters in ue_aggregation.ini are as follows:

  • start_month: string, in YYYY-MM format, it indicates the first month to be included in the Usual Environment Aggregation process. Long-term permanence metrics data shall be available for the corresponding start_month, end_month and season. Example: 2023-01.

  • end_month: string, in YYYY-MM format, it indicates the last month to be included in the Usual Environment Aggregation process. Long-term permanence metrics data shall be available for the corresponding start_month, end_month and season. Example: 2023-06.

  • season: string, it indicates the season to be included in the Usual Environment Aggregation process. Long-term permanence metrics data shall be available for the corresponding start_month, end_month and season. The months that correspond to each season are defined in the configuration of the Long-term permanence score method. Example: all. Options:

    • "all": every month between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, are considered in the aggregation.
    • "winter": every month included in the winter_months list between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, are considered in the aggregation.
    • "spring": every month included in the spring_months list between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, are considered in the aggregation.
    • "summer": every month included in the summer_months list between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, are considered in the aggregation.
    • "autumn": every month included in the autumn_months list between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, are considered in the aggregation.
  • clear_destination_directory: bool, if to delete all previous outputs before running the component.

  • uniform_tile_weights: int, if to use uniform tile weights in the aggregation process. If True, the weights of the tiles are equal. If False, the weights of the tiles are calculated based on landuse information.

Configuration example

session_name = UsualEnvironmentLabeling

clear_destination_directory = True

start_month = 2023-01
end_month = 2023-03

season = all
uniform_tile_weights = True