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MidtermPermanenceScore Configuration

To initialise and run the component two configs are used - general_config.ini and midterm_permanence_score.ini. In general_config.ini all paths to the corresponding data objects shall be specified. Example:

holiday_calendar_data_bronze = ${Paths:bronze_dir}/holiday_calendar


cell_footprint_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/cell_footprint
daily_permanence_score_data_silver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/daily_permanence_score
midterm_permanence_score_data_siilver = ${Paths:silver_dir}/midterm_permanence_score

The expected parameters in midterm_permanence_score.ini are as follows: - start_month: string, with YYYY-MM format, indicating the first month for which mid-term permanence score and metrics are to be computed. All months between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, will be processed individually. Example: 2023-01. - end_month: string, with YYYY-MM format, indicating the last month for which mid-term permanence score and metrics are to be computed. All months between start_month and end_month, both inclusive, will be processed individually. Must be a month equal or later than start_month. Example: 2023-08. - before_regularity_days: positive integer, it represents the number of days previous to a month that will be loaded and used in the calculation of the mid-term regularity metrics by searching for the latest date in which a given user performed a stay in a given grid tile. Example: 7. - after_regularity_days: positive integer, it represents the number of days following a month that will be loaded and used in the calculation of the mid-term regularity metrics by searching for the earliest date in which a given user performed a stay in a given grid tile. Example: 7. - day_start_hour: integer between 0 and 23 (both inclusive) that marks the starting time of a given day in the mid-term analysis to be performed. Example: 4. A value of 4 means that the time slots of the Daily Permanence Score contained between the 04:00 of day $D$ (inclusive) and the 04:00 of day $D+1$ (not inclusive) are considered to belong to day $D$. - country_of_study: two-letter, upper-case string, marking the ISO Alpha 2 code of the country being studied, used to load the holiday dates of that country that are used to define the workdays and holidays day types. Example: ES (Spain). - weekend_start: integer between 1 and 7, marks the first day of the week (inclusive) that belongs to the weekends day type. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, ..., and Sunday is 7. Example: 6. - weekend_end: integer between 1 and 7, marks the last day of the week (inclusive) that belongs to the weekends day type. Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, ..., and Sunday is 7. Example: 7. - night_time_start: string, HH:MM format, marking the starting hour and minutes (inclusive) of the night_time time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 18:00. - night_time_end: string, HH:MM format, marking the ending hour and minutes (exclusive) of the night_time time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 08:00. - working_hours_start: string, HH:MM format, marking the starting hour and minutes (inclusive) of the working_hours time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 07:30. - working_hours_end: string, HH:MM format, marking the ending hour and minutes (exclusive) of the working_hours time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 17:30. - evening_time_start: string, HH:MM format, marking the starting hour and minutes (inclusive) of the evening_time time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 18:00. - evening_time_end: string, HH:MM format, marking the ending hour and minutes (exclusive) of the evening_time time interval. Only allowed values for the minutes MM are 00, 15, 30, or 45. The time interval limits must be compatible with the time slot limits and durations of the Daily Permanence Score data used. See the Time interval additional information for additional restrictions of this parameter. Example: 21:00. - period_combinations: dictionary indicating the combinations of sub-monthly and sub-daily periods (i.e., day types and time intervals) that are to be considered for the mid-term permanence score and metrics computation, for each month betwen start_month and end_month. The structure is as follows (a full example can be in Configuration example): - The keys of the dictionary must be one of the possible day type values surrounded by quotes: - "all": every day of the month. - "workdays": every day of the month that does not belong to the weekend and is not a holiday in the country of study. - "holidays": every day of the month that is a holiday in the country of study. - "weekends": every day of the month that is part of the weekend. - "mondays": every Monday of the month. - "tuesdays": every Tuesday of the month. - "wednesdays": every Wednesday of the month. - "thursdays": every Thursday of the month. - "fridays": every Friday of the month. - "saturdays": every Saturday of the month. - "sundays": every Sunday of the month. - The value assigned to a key must be a non-empty list surrounded by square brackets containing some of the possible time interval values: - "all": all time slots of the day. - "night_time": time slots of the day contained in the hour interval defined by night_time_start and night_time_end. - "working_hours": time slots of the day contained in the hour interval defined by working_hours_start and working_hours_end. - "evening_time": time slots of the day contained in the hour interval defined by evening_time_start and evening_time_end.

Time interval additional information

There are some nuances and restrictions related to the definition of the different time intervals and the day_start_hour parameter: - By definition, a time interval will belong to the date that contains its start hour. See the following example: - Suppose that day_start_hour has been set to 4, so that the day "starts" at 04:00. - Suppose that night_time_start has been set to 20:15 and night_time_end has been set to 06:30. Then, the night time interval starts at 20:15 in the evening of some day $D$, crosses midnight, and ends at 06:30 in the morning of the following day $D+1$. - In this case, the start of the time interval, 20:15, is between the 04:00 of day $D$ and the 04:00 of day $D+1$. Then, this time interval will be assigned to the date $D$.

  • The following configuration is not allowed for the time intervals night_time, working_hours, and evening_time:
  • day_start_hour is different from 0, and
  • the start of the interval is between 00:00 (exclusive) and day_start_hour (exclusive), and
  • the end of the interval is between 00:00 (exclusive) and the start of the interval (exclusive).

    Example of a not-allowed configuration under this restriction: - day_start_hour is 4, that is, 04:00. - night_time_start is 03:00. - night_time_end is 01:15. - The following configuration is not allowed for the time intervals working_hours and evening_time: - the start of the interval is between 00:00 (inclusive) and day_start_hour (exclusive) - the end of the interval is later than day_start_hour (exclusive).

    Example of a not-allowed configuration under this restriction: - day_start_hour is 4, that is, 04:00. - working_hours_start is 03:00. - working_hours_end is 18:00.

Configuration example

session_name = MidtermPermanenceScore


start_month = 2023-02
end_month = 2023-03

before_regularity_days = 7
after_regularity_days = 7
day_start_hour = 4  # at what time the day starts, e.g. day gos from 4AM Mon to 4AM Tue

country_of_study = ES

night_time_start = 18:00
night_time_end = 08:00

working_hours_start = 08:00
working_hours_end = 17:00

evening_time_start = 16:00
evening_time_end = 22:00

weekend_start = 6
weekend_end = 7

period_combinations = {
    "all": ["all", "night_time", "evening_time", "working_hours"],
    "workdays": ["night_time", "working_hours"],
    "holidays": ["all", "night_time"],
    "weekends": ["all", "night_time"],
    "mondays": ["all"]