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Developer Guidelines

The repository contains a devcontainer configuration compatible with VsCode. This configuration will create a docker container with all the necessary libraries and configurations to develop and execute the source code.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Development Environment Setup

This repository provides a docker dev-container with a system completely configured to execute the source code as well as useful libraries and tools for the development of the multimno software. Thanks to the dev-container, it is guaranteed that all developers are developing/executing code in the same environment.

The dev-container specification is all stored inside the .devcontainer directory.

Configuring the docker container

Configuration parameters for building the docker image and for creating the docker container are specified in the configuration file .devcontainer/.env file. This file contains user specific container configuration (like the path in the host machine to the data). As this file will change for each developer it is ignored for the git version control and must be created after cloning the repository.

A template file is stored in this repostiory. You can use this file as a baseline copying it to the .devcontainer directory.

cp resources/templates/dev_container_template.env .devcontainer/.env

Please edit the .devcontainer/.env file Docker run parameters section with your preferences:

# ------------------- Docker Build parameters -------------------
PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 # Python version.
JDK_VERSION=17 # Java version.
SPARK_VERSION=3.4.1 # Spark/Pyspark version.
SCALA_VERSION=2.12 # Spark dependency.
SEDONA_VERSION=1.5.1 # Sedona
GEOTOOLS_WRAPPER_VERSION=28.2 # Sedona dependency

# ------------------- Docker run parameters -------------------
CONTAINER_NAME=multimno_dev_container # Container name.
DATA_DIR=../sample_data # Path of the host machine to the data to be used within the container.
SPARK_LOGS_DIR=../sample_data/logs # Path of the host machine to where the spark logs will be stored.
JL_PORT=8888 # Port of the host machine to deploy a jupyterlab.
JL_CPU=4 # CPU cores of the container.
JL_MEM=16g # RAM of the container.

Starting the dev environment


Prerequisite: Dev-Container/Docker extension

In VsCode: F1 -> Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in container


Docker image creation

Execute the following command:

docker compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml --env-file=.devcontainer/.env build

Docker container creation

Create a container and start a shell session in it with the commands:

docker compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml --env-file=.devcontainer/.env up -d
docker exec -it multimno_dev_container bash

Stopping the dev environment


Closing VsCode will automatically stop the devcontainer.


Exit the terminal with:

Ctrl+D or writing exit

Deleting the dev environment

Delete the container created with:

docker compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yml --env-file=.devcontainer/.env down

๐ŸŽ Execution

Launching a single component

In a terminal execute the command:

spark-submit multimno/ <component_id> <path_to_general_config> <path_to_component_config> 


spark-submit multimno/ SyntheticEvents pipe_configs/configurations/general_config.ini pipe_configs/configurations/synthetic_events/synth_config.ini 

Launching a pipeline

In a terminal execute the command:

python multimno/ <pipeline_json_path>


python multimno/ pipe_configs/pipelines/pipeline.json 

๐Ÿ” Monitoring/Debug

Launching a spark history server

The history server will access SparkUI logs stored at the path ${SPARK_LOGS_DIR} defined in the .devcontainer/.env file.

Starting the history server 
Accesing the history server * Go to the address http://localhost:18080

๐Ÿชถ Style

Coding style

The code shall follow the standard PEP 8 which is the coding style proposed for writing clean, readable, and maintainable Python code. It was created to promote consistency in Python code and make it easier for developers to collaborate on projects.

PEP 8 official guide

Docstring style

The docstrings written in the code shall follow the Google Docstrings style. Adhering to a unique docstring style guarantees consistency within software development in a project. Google Docstrings are the most popular convention for docstrings which facilitates readability and collaboration in open-source projects.

Google Docstrings official guide

๐Ÿงผ Code cleaning

Developed code shall be formatted and jupyter notebooks shall be cleaned of outputs to guarantee consistency and reduce unnecessary differences between commits.

Code Linting

The python code generated shall be formatted with black. For formatting all source code execute the following command:

black -l 120 multimno tests/test_code/

Clean jupyter notebooks

find ./notebooks/ -type f -name \*.ipynb | xargs jupyter nbconvert --clear-output --inplace

Code Security Scan

bandit -r multimno

๐Ÿงช Testing

Launch Tests


pytest tests/test_code/multimno


1) Open the test view at the left panel. 2) Launch tests.

Generate test & coverage reports

Launch the command

pytest --cov-config=tests/.coveragerc \
    --cov-report="html:docs/autodoc/coverage" \
    --cov=multimno --html=docs/autodoc/ \
    --self-contained-html tests/test_code/multimno

Test reports will be stored in the dir: docs/autodoc

See coverage in IDE (VsCode extension)

1) Launch tests with coverage to generate the coverage report (xml)

pytest --cov-report="xml" --cov=multimno tests/test_code/multimno
1) Install the extension: Coverage Gutters 2) Right click and select Coverage Gutters: Watch

Note: You can see the coverage percentage at the bottom bar

๐Ÿ“„ Code Documentation

Documentation server Debug(Mkdocs)

A code documentation can be deployed using mkdocs backend.

1) Create documentation (This will launch all tests)

2) Launch doc server

mkdocs serve
and navigate to the address:

Documentation deploy (mike)

Set latest as default version

mike set-default --push latest

Deploy a version of the documentation with:

mike deploy --push --update-aliases <version> latest


mike deploy --push --update-aliases 0.2 latest