
API reference

Map creation

Create a map with let map = mapType ). Set the parameter mapType to a value corresponding with the desired map type:

The map can then be customised with the methods listed in the tables below. Most of the map methods follow the pattern map.myMethod([value]): If a value is specified, the method sets the parameter value and returns the map object itself. If no value is specified, the method returns the current value of the parameter.

It is also possible to specify the map parameters as an object: let map = mapType, { param1: v1, param2: v2} );. This is equivalent to: let map = mapType ).param1(v1).param2(v2);

Map definition

Specify the map SVG element.

Method Type Default value Description
map.svgId([value]) String “map” The id of the SVG element of the HTML page where to draw the map.
map.width([value]) int 800 The width of the map, in pixel.
map.height([value]) int auto The height of the map, in pixel. If not specified, the height is set automatically as 85% of the width.

Map geography

Specify the NUTS geometries and the geographical extent of the map.

Method Type Default value Description
map.nutsLevel([value]) int/string 3 The nuts level to show on the map, from 0 (national level) to 3 (more local level). Note that not all NUTS levels are always available for Eurostat databases. When using custom data sources and mixing different NUTS levels, set this option to “mixed” to show the different levels at once.
map.nutsYear([value]) int 2016 The version of the NUTS dataset to use. Possible values are given in Nuts2json. Note that the default value will be adjusted in the future depending on the NUTS legislation in force.
map.geo([value]) String “EUR” The map geographical territory, by default the entire European territory “EUR”. For world maps use “WORLD” and set proj to 54030. Note that world templates are currently only available for choropleth maps. Other possible values are given in Nuts2json.
map.proj([value]) String “3035” The map projection EPSG code. For world maps: use 54030. Possible values are given in Nuts2json. Note that these values depend on the geographical territory.
map.scale([value]) String “20M” The simplification level of the map, among “03M”, “10M”, “20M”, “60M” (for Europe). The most simplified version is “60M”. The level “01M” is also available for some geographical territories: For more information on possible values by geographical territory, see Nuts2json.
map.position([value]) Object {x,y,z} auto The geographical coordinates of the position where to center the map view. These coordinates are expected to be expressed in the map projection. If not specified, a position is computed automatically.
map.zoomExtent([value]) Array undefined The zoom extent. The first value within [0,1] defines the maximum zoom out factor - the second value within [1,infinity] defines the maximum zoom in factor. Set to [1,1] to forbid zooming and allow panning. Set to null to forbid both.
map.maxBounds([value]) {xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax} undefined The maximum bounds that the user can pan/zoom within.

World maps

It is also possible to build thematic world maps using eurostat-map. Simply pass “WORLD” to the map.geo() method. See this example for how to configure a world map.

Method Type Default value Description
map.projectionFunction([value]) d3 projection d3.geoRobninson() Here you can define your own custom projection function for world maps

Custom geometries

If you wish to make maps using your own custom geometries instead of NUTS regions, then you can specify them using:

        id: 'regions',
        class: 'regions',
        statisticalRegions: true, // this is how eurostat-map knows what regions the statistical values belong to.
        features: myRegionsGeoJSON.features, // stats are linked via
        onEach: (elements) => {
            // Add any D3 custom styling or behavior here
        id: 'borders',
        features: myBordersGeoJSON.features,
        class: 'borders',

Method Type Default value Description
map.geometries([value]) Object[] NUTS regions Here you can define your own custom geometries to be used in your maps

You can find a live example here (see the code)

Statistical data

The map statistical data can be accessed with the map.statData() method, which returns an object with the following methods:

Method Description
get([nutsId]) Return the stat value {value,status} from a nuts id. If no argument is specified, returns the entire index.
getValue([nutsId]) Return the stat value from a nuts id.
set([nutsId,stat]) Set a stat value from a nuts id. The new statistical data format can be either {value:34.324,status:”e”} or just the value only.
setData([index]) Set statistical data, already indexed by nutsId. The index has a structure like: { “PT”:0.2, “LU”:0.6, …}, or with status: { “PT”: {value:0.2, status:”e”}, “LU”:0.6, …}
getArray() Return all stat values as an array. This can be used to classify the values.
getUniqueValues() Return stat unique values. This can be used for categorical maps.
getMin() Get minimum value.
getMax() Get maximum value.
unitText([value]) The text of the unit of measurement, to show in the tooltip. undefined by default.

The map statistical data source can be accessed with the map.stat([value]) method. Several types of data sources are supported (see sections below).

Eurostat database

Specify statistical data to be retrieved on-the-fly from Eurostat database. The query parameters can be retrieved from this page.


map =;
map.stat( {
	eurostatDatasetCode: "lfst_r_lfu3rt",
		age: "Y20-64",
		sex: "T",
		unit: "PC",
		time: "2019"
Parameter Type Default value Description
eurostatDatasetCode String “demo_r_d3dens” The Eurostat database code of the statistical variable. See here to find them.
filters Object { lastTimePeriod : 1 } The Eurostat dimension codes to filter/select the chosen statistical variable. See here or here to find them.
precision int 2 The precision of the statistical variable to retrieve (number of decimal places).


Specify statistical data to be retrieved from CSV data.


map =;
map.stat( {
	csvURL: "",
	geoCol: "NUTS_ID_2013",
	valueCol: "urban_rural"
Parameter Type Default value Description
csvURL String undefined The CSV file URL.
geoCol String “geo” The column with the NUTS ids.
valueCol String “value” The column with the statistical values.

Custom JS

Specify statistical data region by region, from JavaScript code, or any kind of JSON data source.


map =;

//specify values region by region

//or in one time. Note that the 'status' can be specified but is not mandatory.
	"FR": 10,
	"DE": {value:7,status:"e"},
	"UK": 12,

Map types

There are many different types of thematic maps that you can create using eurostat-map. Here you will find documentation on how to build them.

Choropleth map

Example Example Example

A choropleth map shows areas colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable. These maps should be used to show intensive statistical variables such as proportions, ratios, densities, rates of change, percentages, etc.

Here is an example with color value (see the code), another with a diverging color scheme (see the code), and a last one with a texture pattern (see the code).


    .title('Population in Europe')
    .stat({ eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_d3dens', unitText: 'inhab./km²' })
    .threshold([50, 75, 100, 150, 300, 850])
    .legend({ noData: false, decimals: 0, x: 15, y: 160 })
Method Type Default value Description
map.numberOfClasses([value]) int 7 The number of classes. When classificationMethod == “threshold”, this parameter is inferred from the number of breaks specified.
map.classificationMethod([value]) String “quantile” The classification method. Possible values are “quantile”, “equinter” for equal intervals, and “threshold” for user defined threshol (see threshold method).
map.colors([value]) Array null The colours to use for the classes. if unspecified, default colorFun is used.
map.thresholds([value]) Array [0] If classifMethod = “threshold”, the breaks of the classification.
map.makeClassifNice([value]) boolean true Make nice break values. Works only for classifMethod = “equinter”.
map.colorFunction([value]) Function d3.interpolateYlOrBr The color function, as defined in d3-scale-chromatic
map.classToFillStyle([value]) Function See description A function returning a fill style for each class number. The default values is the function returned by eurostatmap.getColorLegend(colorFun()).
map.noDataFillStyle([value]) String “lightgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.

Choropleth legends

In addition to the default legend parameters, choropleth maps have the following specific legend parameters:

Parameter Type Default value Description
ascending String true The legend cells order. Set to false to invert.
shapeWidth int 15 The cell width.
shapeHeight int 13 The cell heigth.
sepLineLength int 17 The separation line length.
decimals String _0 _ The number of decimal places for the legend labels.
labelType ‘ranges’ or ‘thresholds’ thresholds The type of legend labels to be generated.
labelOffset int 3 The distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
labelFormatter Function d3.format(“.” + decimals + “f”) A function used to format the values of the legend labels.
labels string[] null Manually define the labels to be used in the legend as an array
noData boolean true Show ‘no data’ style.
noDataText Text “No data” ‘No data’ text label.

Proportional symbol map

Example Example

A proportional symbol map shows symbols (typically circles) sized in proportion to a statistical variable. These maps should be used to show statistical extensive variables such as quantities, populations, numbers, etc. Here is an example (see the code).


        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjangrp3',
        filters: { age: 'TOTAL', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: 2016 },
        unitText: 'inhabitants',

Along with data-driven sizing, it is possible to colour the symbols according to a statistical variable as well. This is achieved by adding the “size” and “color” strings to their corresponding stat methods. For example:

    //GDP per inhabitant (colour of symbol)
    .stat("color", { eurostatDatasetCode: "nama_10r_3gdp", unitText: "EUR/inhabitant", filters: { unit: "EUR_HAB", time: "2018" } })
    // Total GDP (size of symbol)
    .stat("size", { eurostatDatasetCode: "nama_10r_3gdp", unitText: "Million EUR", filters: { unit: "MIO_EUR", time: "2018" } })

It is also possible to prevent overlapping via the ‘dorling’ method:


Please be aware that by using this method you will essentially be turning the map into a Cartogram. If deformation is high, please consider hiding the background elements/basemap.

Method Type Default value Description
map.psShape([value]) string circle The shape of the symbol. Accepted values: circle, spike, bar, square, star, cross, diamond, triangle, wye or custom
map.psCustomShape([value]) Object null A custom symbol to be used with d3.symbol when psShape is set to “custom”. See
map.psCustomSVG([value]) Template Literal null Use this method for defining a custom SVG, which will be used as the proportional symbol. E.g. map.psCustomSVG(<svg width="100" height="100"><rect width="100" height="100" /></svg>).
map.psOffset([value]) Object {x:0,y:0} Defines the offsets to apply to the symbols on the map. Only applicable to symbols where custom svgs are specified ( through psCustomSVG)
map.psMaxSize([value]) number 30 The maximum size of the symbol. For shapes and vertical bars, this value is in pixels, but for psCustomSVG() it represents the scale factor of the transform applied to it.
map.psMinSize([value]) number 0.8 The minimum size / scale of the symbol.
map.psBarWidth([value]) number 5 Width in pixels of the vertical bars. Only to be used with a psShape of type “bar”
map.psFill([value]) String “#B45F04” The fill color or pattern of the symbol, for when a colour scheme is not defined.
map.psFillOpacity([value]) number 0.7 The opacity of the symbol, from 0 to 1.
map.psStroke([value]) String “#fff” The stroke color of the symbol.
map.psStrokeWidth([value]) number 0.3 The width of the stroke.
map.psClasses([value]) number 5 The number of classes to use when applying data-driven colour for the symbols. Similar to numberOfClasses() for choropleth maps.
map.psColorFun([value]) function d3.interpolateOrRd The color function, as defined in d3-scale-chromatic
map.psSizeScale([value]) string ‘sqrt’ or ‘linear’ The D3 scale function used to define the sizes of the symbols. The following methods are then called internally: psSizeScale().domain(sizeDomain).range([psMinSize, psMaxSize])
map.psClassificationMethod([value]) String “quantile” The classification method. Possible values are “quantile”, “equinter” for equal intervals, and “threshold” for user defined threshold (see threshold method).
map.psThreshold([value]) Array [0] If psClassificationMethod = “threshold”, the breaks of the classification.
map.psColours([value]) Array null The colours to be using data-driven colour. The number of colours specified in the array should match the number of classes (specified using psClasses())
map.noDataFillStyle([value]) String “lightgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.

Proportional symbol legends

In addition to the default legend parameters, proportional symbol maps have the following specific legend parameters: As proportional symbol maps allow for two visual variables (size and colour), a legend configuration object can be specified for each variable (sizeLegend and colorLegend).

Parameter Type Default value Description
map.ascending Boolean false The order of the legend elements. Set to true to invert.
map.legendSpacing Number 35 Spacing between the color & size legends (if applicable)
map.labelFontSize Number 12 The font size of the legend labels
map.sizeLegend Object see below The configuration object of the legend which illustrates the values of different symbol sizes
map.colorLegend Object see below The configuration object of the legend which illustrates the values of different symbol colours


The following parameters are properties of the sizeLegend object:

Parameter Type Default value Description
title String null Title of the size legend
titlePadding Number 10 Padding between the legend title and legend body
values Number undefined Manually set the raw data values to be used in the legend
cellNb Number 4 Number of symbols to be shown in the legend (when values are not set manually)
shapePadding Number 10 The padding between consecutive legend shape elements
shapeOffset Object {x:0, y:0} The offset applied to the shape elements in the legend. Applicable for use with psCustomSVG()
shapeFill String white The colour of the symbols in the size legend. If unspecified, the colour of psFill() is used.
labelOffset Number 25 The distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
decimals Number 0 The number of decimals for each label.
labelFormatter Function d3.format(“.” + decimals + “f”) A function used to format the values of the legend labels.
noData Boolean false Show a ‘no data’ legend item in the size legend.
noDataText String ‘No data’ Text shown in the ‘no data’ legend item in the size legend.


The following parameters are properties of the colorLegend object:

Parameter Type Default value Description
title String null Title of the size legend
titlePadding Number 10 Padding between the legend title and legend body
marginTop Number 35 Margin top in pixels. Distance between size and color legends
shapeWidth Number 13 The width of the legend box elements
shapeHeight Number 13 The height of the legend box elements
shapePadding Number 10 The padding between consecutive legend shape elements
shapePadding Number 10 The padding between consecutive legend shape elements
labelOffset Number 25 The distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
decimals Number 0 The number of decimals for each label.
labelFormatter Function d3.format(“.” + decimals + “f”) A function used to format the values of the legend labels.
noData Boolean true Show a legend element that represents “no data” values.
noDataText String No data No data element label text.
sepLineLength Number 17 The length of the separation line between classes.
sepLineStroke Number black The colour of the separation line between classes.
sepLineStrokeWidth Number 1 The width of the separation line between classes.

Proportional pie chart map


A proportional pie chart map shows pie charts sized in proportion to a statistical variable. The slices of the pie chart are made up of the different categories of that statistical variable. Here is an example (see the code).


//population composition by age
    .stat('Y_LT15', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y_LT15', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .stat('Y15-64', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y15-64', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .stat('Y_GE65', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y_GE65', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .catLabels({ Y_LT15: '< 15', 'Y15-64': '15 to 64', Y_GE65: '> 65' })
    .catColors({ Y_LT15: '#33a02c', 'Y15-64': '#cab2d6', Y_GE65: '#ff7f00' })
    .legend({ x: 550, y: 200, sizeLegend: { title: 'Total Population' }, colorLegend: { title: 'Population by Age' } })

Or simpler:

//population composition by age
        { eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3', filters: { sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' }, unitText: 'people' },
        'age', //parameter that the categories belong to
        ['Y_LT15', 'Y15-64', 'Y_GE65'], //category codes
        ['< 15', '15 to 64', '> 65'], //labels
        ['#33a02c', '#cab2d6', '#ff7f00'] //colours
    .legend({ x: 550, y: 200, sizeLegend: { title: 'Total Population' }, colorLegend: { title: 'Population by Age' } })

If the sum of the chosen categories do not represent the complete total for that variable, then an optional code can be included as the last parameter passed to the statPie() method. For example, when making a proportional pie chart map for different causes of death, the chosen categories “Respiratory”, “Cancer”, “Circulatory” do not represent all causes of death. In this case, the code for “all causes of death” is specified (“A-R_V-Y”). The shares of each categories are then calculated according to this total and not just the total of the specified categories. The remaining share is then given the label “other”, which can be changed using the pieOtherText() method and the colour of its pie slices can be changed using the pieOtherColor() method.

            { eurostatDatasetCode: "hlth_cd_asdr2", filters: { sex: "T", time: "2016", age: "TOTAL", unit: "RT" }, unitText: "death rate per 100 000" },
            "icd10", //parameter that the categories belong to
            ["J", "C", "I"], //category codes
            ["Respiratory", "Cancer", "Circulatory"], //category labels
            ["orange", "#A4CDF8", "#2E7AF9", "blue"], //colours
            "A-R_V-Y" //code for the total (all causes of death)
Method Type Default value Description
map.pieMaxRadius([value]) Number 15 The maximum radius of the pie chart.
map.pieMinRadius([value]) Number 5 The minimum radius of the pie chart.
map.catColors([value]) object auto The colors of the slices, indexed by category code. If not specified, different colors are proposed.
map.catLabels([value]) object auto The colors of the slices, indexed by category code.
map.showOnlyWhenComplete([value]) boolean false Draw a region only when data is available for all categories. If one is missing, the region is considered as with ‘no data’. If not, the value of missing data is set to 0.
map.noDataFillStyle([value]) string “darkgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.
map.pieChartInnerRadius([value]) number 0 Inner radius of the pie charts. Increase this value to turn the pie charts into donut charts.
map.pieStrokeFill([value]) string white The colour of the pie chart stroke.
map.pieStrokeWidth([value]) number 0.3 The width of the pie chart stroke.
map.pieOtherText([value]) string Other The colour of the “other” segments of the pie charts (only applicable when the total is calculated using a separate category code, specified in the statPie method)
map.pieOtherColor([value]) string “#FFCC80” The colour of the “other” segments of the pie charts (only applicable when the total is calculated using a separate category code, specified in the statPie method)

In addition to the default legend parameters, proportional pie chart maps have the following specific legend parameters:

Method Type Default value Description
map.labelFontSize([value]) int 12 Font size of the legend label.
map.legendSpacing Number 35 Spacing between the color & size legends (if applicable).
map.sizeLegend Object see below The configuration object of the legend which illustrates the values of different pie sizes.
map.colorLegend Object see below The configuration object of the legend which illustrates the values of different pie colours.


The following parameters are properties of the sizeLegend object:

Parameter Type Default value Description
title String null Title of the size legend.
titlePadding Number 10 Padding between the legend title and legend body.
values Array auto (max and min radius) The values used to size the pie charts in the legend. If unspecified, the highest and lowest values shown on the map are used.


The following parameters are properties of the colorLegend object:

Parameter Type Default value Description
title String null Title of the size legend.
titlePadding Number 10 Padding between the legend title and legend body.
shapeWidth([value]) number 13 Width of the legend box elements.
shapeHeight([value]) number 15 Height of the legend box elements.
shapePadding([value]) number 5 Distance between consecutive legend box elements.
labelOffset([value]) number 5 Distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
noData([value]) boolean true Show/hide ‘no data’ legend box element.
noDataText([value]) string “No data” ‘No data’ label text.

Categorical map


A categorical map shows areas according to categories (or discrete values). Here is an example of such map (see the code).


        csvURL: '',
        geoCol: 'NUTS_ID_2013',
        valueCol: 'urban_rural',
    .classToFillStyle({ urb: '#fdb462', int: '#ffffb3', rur: '#ccebc5' })
    .classToText({ urb: 'Urban', int: 'Intermediate', rur: 'Rural' })
    .legend({ x: 10, y: 170, order: ['urb', 'int', 'rur'] })
Method Type Default value Description
map.classToFillStyle([value]) Object auto An object giving the fill style depending on the class code. If not specify, use default colors.
map.classToText([value]) Object auto An object giving the legend label text depending on the class code. If not specified, use the class code.
map.noDataFillStyle([value]) String “lightgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.

In addition to the default legend parameters, categorical maps have the following specific legend parameters:

Parameter Type Default value Description
shapeWidth int 15 The cell width.
shapeHeight int 13 The cell heigth.
shapePadding number 5 The distance between consecutive legend elements
labelFontSize int 13 The label font size.
labelOffset int 5 The distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
noData boolean true Show ‘no data’ style.
noDataText Text “No data” ‘No data’ text label.
order array “undefined” The order in which the legend classes should be drawn. E.g. [‘urb’,’int’,’rur’]. If left undefined, eurostatmap will order the classes automatically.

Bivariate choropleth map


A bivariate choropleth map is a choropleth map showing the combination of two statistical variables. It shows how the correlation between these variables varies across space. Here is an example of such map (see the code).


    .stat('v1', { eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_d3dens', unitText: 'inh./km²' })
    .stat('v2', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'lfst_r_lfu3rt',
        filters: { age: 'Y20-64', sex: 'T', unit: 'PC', time: 2017 },
        unitText: '%',
Method Type Default value Description
map.numberOfClasses([value]) int 3 The number of classes for the classification. The same value is used for both variables.
map.startColor([value]) color “#e8e8e8” The color for lowest values of both variables.
map.color1([value]) color “#73ae80” The color for the highest values of variable 1, and lowest of variable 2.
map.color2([value]) color “#6c83b5” The color for the highest values of variable 2, and lowest of variable 1.
map.endColor([value]) color “#2a5a5b” The color for highest values of both variables.
map.classifier1([value]) Function auto A function which returns a class number from a stat value. This allows you to set the class thresholds manually.
map.classifier2([value]) Function auto A function which returns a class number from a stat value. This allows you to set the class thresholds manually.
map.classToFillStyle([value]) Function auto A function returning the colors for each pair of classes i,j.
map.noDataFillStyle([value]) color “lightgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.

Bivariate choropleth legends

In addition to the default legend parameters, bivariate choropleth maps have the following specific legend parameters:

Parameter Type Default value Description
squareSize number 50 The size, in pixel, of the legend square.
rotation number 0 The rotation to apply to the main legend. Recommended values are either 0 or -45
label1 string “Variable 1” The text for the label of variable 1.
label2 string “Variable 2” The text for the label of variable 1.
breaks1 string[] undefined An array of strings shown as axis labels for variable 1
breaks2 string[] undefined An array of strings shown as axis labels for variable 2
labelFontSize int 12 The font size of the legend label.
noData boolean true Show/hide ‘no data’ style in the legend.
noDataShapeSize number 15 The size, in pixel, of the ‘No data’ legend shape.
noDataText Text “No data” ‘No data’ text label.
noDataYOffset Text 0 Add distance between the main legend and the ‘no data’ item in pixels
yAxisLabelsOffset Object { x: 0, y: 0 } Offset the axis labels that correspond with breaks1
xAxisLabelsOffset Object { x: 0, y: 0 } Offset the axis labels that correspond with breaks2

Stripe composition map

Example Example

A stripe composition map is a choropleth map showing the composition of a statistical variable using a pattern of stripes of different colors and widths. The color of a stripe corresponds to its category, and its width is proportional to the share of this category in the total. A stripe composition map shows how proportions vary across space.

Here is an example of such map (see the code), and another one (see the code)


//population composition by age
    .stat('Y_LT15', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y_LT15', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .stat('Y15-64', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y15-64', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .stat('Y_GE65', {
        eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3',
        filters: { age: 'Y_GE65', sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' },
        unitText: 'people',
    .catLabels({ Y_LT15: '< 15', 'Y15-64': '15 to 64', Y_GE65: '> 65' })
    .catColors({ Y_LT15: '#33a02c', 'Y15-64': '#cab2d6', Y_GE65: '#ff7f00' })
    .legend({ x: 550, y: 10, title: 'Population by age' })

Or simply:

//population composition by age
        { eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3', filters: { sex: 'T', unit: 'NR', time: '2019' }, unitText: 'people' },
        ['Y_LT15', 'Y15-64', 'Y_GE65'],
        ['< 15', '15 to 64', '> 65'],
        ['#33a02c', '#cab2d6', '#ff7f00']
    .legend({ x: 550, y: 10, title: 'Population by age' })
Method Type Default value Description
map.stripeWidth([value]) number 50 Width of the stripes series.
map.stripeOrientation([value]) number 0 Orientation of the stripes, in degree. Set to 0 for vertical and 90 for horizontal.
map.catColors([value]) object auto The colors of the stripes, indexed by category code. If not specified, different colors are proposed.
map.catLabels([value]) object auto The colors of the stripes, indexed by category code.
map.showOnlyWhenComplete([value]) boolean false Draw a region only when data is available for all categories. If one is missing, the region is considered as with ‘no data’. If not, the value of missing data is set to 0.
map.noDataFillStyle([value])   “lightgray” The fill style to be used for regions where no data is available.
map.pieChartRadius([value])   40 Radius of the pie chart to show in the tooltip.
map.pieChartInnerRadius([value])   15 Inner radius of the pie chart to show in the tooltip.

In addition to the default legend parameters, stripe composition maps have the following specific legend parameters:

Method Type Default value Description
map.shapeWidth([value]) number 13 Width of the legend box elements.
map.shapeHeight([value]) number 15 Height of the legend box elements.
map.shapePadding([value]) number 5 Distance between consecutive legend box elements.
map.labelFontSize([value]) int 12 Font size of the legend label.
map.labelOffset([value]) number 5 Distance between the legend box elements to the corresponding text label.
map.noData([value]) boolean true Show/hide ‘no data’ legend box element.
map.noDataText([value]) string “No data” ‘No data’ label text.

Sparkline map

A sparkline is a very small line chart, typically drawn without axes or coordinates. It presents the general shape of the variation (typically over time) in some measurement, such as temperature, in a simple and highly condensed way. A chart is drawn for each region showing the temporal variations of each.

Here is an example of such map (see the code)


        { eurostatDatasetCode: 'demo_r_pjanaggr3', filters: { sex: 'T', unit: 'NR' }, unitText: 'people' },
        ['2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019'], //dates
        ['2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019'] //labels
Method Type Default Description
map.sparkType([value]) string “area” Type of chart to use. Can be ‘line’ or ‘area’
map.sparkLineColor([value]) string / Function “black” colour of the sparklines. Also accepts an acessor function e.g: .sparkLineColor((d, i) => (d[d.length - 1].value > 100 ? 'red' : 'blue'))
map.sparkAreaColor([value]) string / Function “#41afaa” colour of the area chart fill (when sparkType set to area) Also accepts an acessor function e.g: .sparkAreaColor((d, i) => (d[d.length - 1].value > 100 ? 'red' : 'blue'))
map.sparkLineWidth([value]) number 30 width of the spark charts
map.sparkLineHeight([value]) number 20 height of the spark charts
map.sparkLineStrokeWidth([value]) number 0.4 stroke width of the spark lines
map.sparkLineOpacity([value]) number 0.6 opacity of the spark lines
map.sparkChartCircleRadius([value]) number 0.5 Radius of the circles at each record
map.sparkTooltipChart([value]) object {width: 100, height: 80, margin: { left: 60, right: 40, top: 40, bottom: 40 }, circleRadius: 1.5} config for the chart shown in the tooltip

Flow map

Here is an example of such map (see the code)

const exampleGraph = {
    nodes: [
        // the ids of the nodes and links correspond with the ids of the map's regions (e.g. NUTS id)
        { id: 'FR' },
        { id: 'DE' },
        { id: 'IT' },
        { id: 'ES' },
        { id: 'BE' },
        { id: 'Custom', x: 420000, y: 320000 },
    links: [
        { source: 'FR', target: 'DE', value: 8201 },
        { source: 'FR', target: 'IT', value: 4969 },
        { source: 'FR', target: 'ES', value: 4542 },
        { source: 'FR', target: 'BE', value: 4303 },
        { source: 'FR', target: 'Custom', value: 3445 },

const map = eurostatmap
    .flowOverlayColors(['#bbd7ee', '#c7e3c6']) // exporter, importers
Method Type Default Description
map.flowGraph([value]) Object undefined The graph object with the links and nodes to be used to define the flow map’s data. Same format that is used by d3 sankey.
map.flowColor([value]) String ‘#72bb6f’ The color of the flows and arrows.
map.flowOverlayColors([value]) array [‘#bbd7ee’, ‘#c7e3c6’] The colors of the ‘exporters’ and ‘importers’ polygons (the colours of the region of origin and region of destination).


As of version 4.1.0 you can now create grid cartograms by using the following function:


You can switch between squares and hexagons using


and define container or cell padding using:


If you wish, you can even define custom grid positions using:

    `,IS,  ,  ,  ,NO,SE,FI,  ,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,EE,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,LV,  ,  ,  ,
    ,IE,UK,  ,  ,DK,  ,LT,  ,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,NL,DE,PL,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,BE,LU,CZ,SK,UA,  ,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,FR,CH,LI,AT,HU,RO,MD,  ,  ,  ,
    ,PT,ES,  ,IT,SI,HR,RS,BG,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,BA,ME,MK,  ,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,AL,EL,TR,  ,  ,
    ,  ,  ,  ,MT,  ,  ,  ,  ,CY,  ,  ,  

Here is an example of such map (see the code)

Map texts

Here you can find all the different texts you can add to the map.

Map title & subtitle

Specify the map title, its style and position.

Method Type Default value Description
map.title([value]) String ”” The title text.
map.titlePosition([value]) Array ([x,y]) auto The title position. If not specified, a position is automatically computed, on the top left corner.
map.subtitle([value]) String ”” The subtitle text.
map.subtitlePosition([value]) Array ([x,y]) auto The subtitle position. If not specified, a position is automatically computed, on the top left corner.


You can customise the labels shown on the map using the following settings:

map =
        labels: [
            { text: 'Test label', x: 3500000, y: 4260000, class: 'test' },
            { text: 'MEDITERRANEAN SEA', x: 5472000, y: 1250000, class: 'ocean', letterSpacing: 7 },
            { text: 'ATLANTIC OCEAN', x: 2700000, y: 2650000, class: 'ocean', letterSpacing: 2 },
            { text: 'NORTH SEA', x: 3915000, y: 3700000, class: 'ocean' },
            { text: 'BALTIC SEA', x: 4840000, y: 3600000, class: 'ocean', rotate: -30 },
            { text: 'NORWEGIAN SEA', x: 3850000, y: 4800000, class: 'ocean', letterSpacing: 1 },
            { text: 'BLACK SEA', x: 6300000, y: 2500000, class: 'ocean', letterSpacing: 4 },
        values: true, // label statistical values directly
        backgrounds: true, // for better legibility of labelled values
        shadows: true,
        processValueLabelCentroids: (region, centroid) => {
            // (optional) adjust NUTS1 label positions manually to avoid overlapping
            if ( == 'ES4') {
                return [centroid[0] - 10, centroid[1] + 19]
            } else if ( == 'DE4') {
                return [centroid[0] + 4, centroid[1] + 8]
            return centroid

You can use the ‘class’ attribute to customise the labels accordingly (e.g. class: ‘ocean’ can be styled with .em-label-ocean).

These are the default classes used to style the labels:



Specify the text to be shown at the bottom of the map.

Method Type Default value Description
map.footnote([value]) String Some default text The text. Note that the default value is mandatory.
map .footnoteTooltipText([value]) String The default disclaimer message. Set a text to be shown in a tooltip when passing over the footnote. Set to null if no tooltip has to be shown.
map .showSourceLink([value]) Boolean true Shows a link to the source dataset in the bottom right corner. (uses eurostatdatabasecode specified when using the stat() function).

Map legend

Specify the style of the map legend with map.legend({parameters}).


map =
		title: "Legend (%)",
		x: 10, y: 120,
		boxOpacity: 1,
        boxPadding: 10
Parameter Type Default value Description
svgId String auto The SVG element where to draw the legend. If not specified, an element is automatically built within the map.
title Text "” The legend title.
x number auto The legend element X position, in case it is embeded within the map. If not specified, an automatic value is computed.
y number auto The legend element Y position, in case it is embeded within the map. If not specified, an automatic value is computed.
boxOpacity number 0.7 The legend box opacity, from 0 to 1. Sets opacity of em-legend-background
boxPadding number 0.7 The legend box padding. Sets padding of em-legend-background

For legends of specific map types please refer to their own sections:


Method Type Default value Description
map.showScalebar([value]) Boolean false Adds a scalebar to the map
map.scaleBarPosition([value]) array calculated (bottom left) The X/Y position of the scalebar.
map.scalebarFontSize([value]) int 8 The font size in pixels of the scalebar text.
map.scalebarTicks([value]) int 5 The number of ticks in the scalebar.
map.scalebarTickHeight([value]) int 13 The height of each tick in pixels.
map.scalebarSegmenHeight([value]) int 30 The width in pixels of each segment in the scalebar.
map.scalebarTextOffset([value]) array [4,8] The offset in pixels for the scalebar text ([x,y]).
map.scalebarUnits([value]) string ’ km’ The suffix text for the last scalebar label
map.scalebarMaxWidth([value]) string px The maximum width of the scalebar
map.scalebarHeight([value]) string px The height of the scalebar


The tooltip is the little rectangle showing information on the map feature under the mouse/finger pointer.

You can configure the style and content of the tooltip.


map =
		maxWidth: "200px",
		fontSize: "16px",
		background: "white",
		padding: "5px",
		border: "0px",
		borderRadius: "5px",
		boxShadow: "5px 5px 5px grey",
		transitionDuration: 200,
		xOffset: 30,
		yOffset: 20,
		textFunction: (feature => { return;  })
		showFlags: false
Property Type Default value Description
maxWidth String “200px” The maximum width of the tooltip container.
fontSize String “16px” The font size of the tooltip text.
background String “white” The background colour of the tooltip.
padding String “5px” The padding of the tooltip container.
border number “0px” The border styling of the tooltip container.
borderRadius String “5px” The border-radius of the tooltip container.
boxShadow String “5px 5px 5px grey” The box-shadow of the tooltip container..
transitionDuration Number 200 The transition time applied to the tooltip.
xOffset Number 30 The x offset between the tooltip and the cursor.
yOffset Number 20 The y offset between the tooltip and the cursor.
textFunction Function see example above A function returning the text to show in a tooltip which appears when the mouse passes over map features. The function signature is function(rg, map) where rg is the selected region and map is the map. Set to null if no tooltip is needed.
showFlags String false Set to null, 0 or false if no flag should be shown in the tooltip. Set to “short” to show the flag as a letter. Set to “long” to show the flag as a text.


Specify specific map styles. As of V4, styles have been moved to CSS classes. See for a list of CSS rules. See deprecated.js for deprecated style functions and their successors. (or check the developer console for warnings when using deprecated functions)

Method Type Default value Description
map.hoverColor([value]) String “#purple” The fill style of the selected NUTS regions.
map.drawCoastalMargin([value]) boolean true Set to true to show a coastal blurry margin. False otherwise.
map.coastalMarginStdDev([value]) number 2 The standard deviation of the coastal blurry margin.
map.drawGraticule([value]) boolean false Set to true to show the graticule (meridian and parallel lines). False otherwise. Calls to this method after the map is built will update the graticule.


To add map insets, use the map.insets([values]) method.

For default map insets showing European overseas territories and small countries, use:

To specify more precisely which insets to show, their geographical extent, scale, position, etc., specify the list of insets such as:
		{ geo:"MQ", scale:"01M", position: { z: 1000 }, title:"Martinique", width:200, height:90, x:0, y:0 },
		{ geo:"GF", scale:"03M", position: { z: 9000 }, title:"French Guyana", width:200, height:90, x:210, y:0 }

See also this example with a focus on Spain (see the code).

Note that a map inset is built as a proper map within a map: It has all properties of a map, and share most of them with its parent map. It is thus possible to define map insets within map insets, following a recursive structure.

Method Type Default value Description
map.insets([values]) List [] The list of insets. Each map inset is described as an object with the map inset attributes.
map.insetBoxPosition([value]) number auto The position of the insets box element within the map.
map.insetBoxPadding([value]) number 5 When several insets are specified within the map, the distance between the different insets.
map.insetBoxWidth([value]) number 210 The default width of the insets box, which are squared by default.
map.insetZoomExtent([value]) Array null The zoom extent of inset maps. The first value within [0,1] defines the maximum zoom out factor - the second value within [1,infinity] defines the maximum zoom in factor. Set to [1,1] to forbid zooming and allow panning. Set to null to forbid both.
map.insetScale([value]) String “03M” The default scale of the insets.


Export the map as a PNG image or a SVG file.

Method Type Default value Description
map.exportMapToPNG() this Export the map as a PNG image.  
map.exportMapToSVG() this Export the map as a SVG image.  


Method Type Default value Description
map.noDataText([value]) String “No data available” The text to show for regions where no data is available.
map.language([value]) String “en” The language code, for multilingual maps.
map.transitionDuration([value]) int 800 When updating statistical figures, the map style changes progressively. This parameter sets the duration of this transition, in ms.
map.filtersDefinitionFunction([value]) Function function() {} A function defining SVG filter elements. To be used to defined fill patterns.
map.callback([value]) Function undefined A function to execute after the map build is complete.
map.getTime() String - Return the time parameter of the statistical data. When a filter such as { lastTimePeriod : 1 } is used, this method allows a retrieval of the map timestamp.
map.setFromURL() this - Set some map parameters based on URL parameters: “w” for width, “h” for height, “x” for xGeoCenter, “y” for yGeoCenter, “z” for pixGeoSize, “s” for scale, “lvl” for nuts level, “time” for time, “proj” for the CRS, “geo” for the geographical territory, “ny” for the NUTS version, “lg” for the langage, “sl” to show legend, “numberOfClasses” for the number of classes.

Build and update

After changing some parameters, one of the following methods need to be executed:

Method Type Default value Description this Build (or rebuild) the entire map.  
map.updateGeoData() this Get new geometrical data. It should be used to update the map when parameters on the map geometries have changed.  
map.buildMapTemplate() this Update the map when parameters on the map template have changed.  
map.updateStatData() this Get new statistical data. It should be used to update the map when parameters on the statistical data sources have changed.  
map.updateStatValues() this Update client side information related to statistical values. It should be used to update the map when statistical values have changed.  
map.updateClassification() this Update the map when parameters on the classification have changed.  
map.updateStyle() this Update the map when parameters on the styling have changed.  

Anything unclear or missing? Feel free to ask !

Version migration

See for any major changes.