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Applying d3 framework for handling and exploring (Javascript/Python) Eurostat data and metadata.

Example 1 - d3-force based visualisation of indicators

This page provides relevant tools used to prepare selected social indicator data downloaded from ESTAT website and provide an interactive display based on d3-force layout. These tools aim at reusing the material developed by S.Carter for the New York Times publication mentioned below so as to provide with a similar visualisation.

The webpage example1_peps01.html illustrates some important figures related to ESTAT indicator ilc_peps01 on people at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex (see also the news release below). The different pages are shown below:

Example 1 PEPS01 excerpt 1 Example 1 PEPS01 excerpt 2
Example 1 PEPS01 excerpt 3 Example 1 PEPS01 excerpt 4

To actually see the interactive visualisation, you need to download the webpage and display it locally in your browser. You can get a preview of this page (e.g., using githack: check this address for direct rendering, though the display is much slower and some of its features are disabled.


All html/javascript/css resources used by the original “Four ways to slice…“ publication have been embedded in the webpage example1_peps01.html. The code has been modified accordingly so as to visualise specifically the selected data (see javascript variables estat.rate_data_total, estat.category_list and estat.category_data).

We provide hereby two Python modules that will enable you to prepare the selected social indicators data for the visualisation:

Note in particular that implements some circle packing algorithms for optimally filling a circle with other circles: this is used to position the circle centers in the initial overall display.

Data requested for the visualisation proposed in example1_peps01.html webpage are formatted in the script. They are output as JSON but can be copied ‘as is’ in the webpage source code.
