PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - look at %ds_check

Trim a list of strings to keep only those that actually define existing datasets in a given library.

%str_dslist(dsn, _dslst_=, lib=WORK);


  • dsn : (list of) reference dataset(s);
  • lib : (option) name of the input library; by default: WORK is used.


_dslst_ : name of the macro variable used to store the elements from var that actually define existing variables/fields in dsn.


Let us generate some default datasets in WORKing directory:


we can then retrieve those elements in a given list that actually correspond to existing datasets in WORK:

%let ds=;
%let ids= _dstest1 dummy1 _dstest2 dummy2 _dstest5;
%str_dslist(&ids, _dslst_=ds, lib=WORK);

returns ods=_dstest1 _dstest2 _dstest5.

Run macro %_example_str_listds for more examples.


  1. The order of the variables in the output list matches that in the input list dsn.
  2. When none of the string elements in dsn matches a dataset in lib, an empty list is set.

See also

%str_varlist, %ds_check.