PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Insert variables into a given dataset using the DATA step statemens .

%ds_insert(idsn, odsn=, var=, value=, ilib=WORK, olib=WORK);


  • idsn : a dataset reference;
  • var : (option) list of variables to insert in odsn dataset; if empty no variable is inserted;
  • value: (option) list of values that are assigned to each variable;
  • ilib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


  • odsn : (option) name of the output dataset; by default: empty, i.e. idsn is also used; it will contain the variable/s inserted;
  • olib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is also used;


Let us consider the test dataset #38:

geo EQ_INC20 RB050a
BE 10 10
MK 50 10
MK 60 10
.. .. ..

and run the following:

%let var =FMT DIM;
%let value=%quote('fmt'||'_'||strip(geo)||'_') 4;
%let odsn=TMP
%ds_insert(_dstest38, odsn=&odsn,var=&var, value=&value);

to create the output table TMP:

geo EQ_INC20 RB050a FMT DIM
BE 10 10 fmt_BE_ 4
MK 50 50 fmt_MK_ 4
MK 60 60 fmt_MK_ 4
.. .. .. .. ..

Run macro %_example_ds_insert for examples.


In short the macro runs the following DATA STEP statements:

data &odsn;
set &idsn;
%do _i=1 %to &_nvar;
%scan(&var, &_i, &sep)=%scan(&value, &_i, &sep);

See also
