PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Return the basename, extension or library (directory) of a given dataset.

%let name=%file_name(path, res=file);


  • path : full path of a file (e.g., a SAS file);
  • res : (option) string representing the result to output; it is either ext for the extension of the dataset (e.g., sas7bdat), or dir for the directory/library where the dataset is stored, or base (default when res is not passed) for the basename of the dataset to be returned, or file for the complete filename without its path (i.e., both basename and extension concatenated together when the extension is present, the basename only otherwise); default: res=file, i.e. the filename is returned.


name : desired output string depending on input res value.


Let us consider the file where this macro is defined, then the operation:

%let fn=&G_PING_LIBAUTO/;
%let name=%file_name(&fn, res=base);

returns name=file_name for instance, while:

%let name=%file_name(&fn, res=dir);

returns name=&G_PING_LIBAUTO, and:

%let name=%file_name(&fn, res=file);


Run macro %_example_file_name for more examples.


  • There is no test of the actual existence of any file associated to the considered path.
  • The directory returned (i.e. when res=dir) is always a path without the final '/'; in the case a simple basename is passed, an empty directory path is returned.

See also
