PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

Simple print instruction for the (partial, total or "structural") display of a given dataset using the PROC PRINT statement.

%ds_print(dsn, title=, head=, options=, lib=WORK);


  • dsn : a dataset reference;
  • head : (option) option set to the number of header observations (i.e., starting from the first one) to display (useful for large datasets); default: head is not set and the whole dataset is printed;
  • title : (option) title of the printed table; default: title=&dsn, i.e. the name of the table is used;
  • options : (option) list of options as normally accepted by PROC PRINT; use the quote macro to pass this parameter;
  • lib : (option) name of the input library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used.


Print a test dataset in the WORK directory so that a blank line is inserted after every 2 observations:

%ds_print(_dstest32, options=%quote(BLANKLINE=2));

Run macro %_example_ds_print for more examples.


In the case the dataset exists but is empty (no observation), its structure will still be printed, i.e., the list of variables, their types and lengths will be displayed.