PING  0.9
Statistical data handling and processing in production environment

List all macros made available to a SAS session through SASAUTOS.

%macro_list(work=no, dsn=, _maclst_=, lib=WORK, print=no);


  • work : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to list WORK.SASMACR entries; default: work=no.
  • lib : (option) name of the output library; by default: empty, i.e. WORK is used;
  • print : (option) boolean flag (yes/no) set to print the output on the log page; default: print=no.


  • dsn : (option) output dataset created in lib library; this dataset contains five fields, respectively:

    • path for the absolute path of macro location (path separator is slash '/'), and
    • member for the macro/file name, and
    • catalog for the name of the catalog the macro maypossibly be stored in (empty otherwise), and
    • type for the type of the macro (e.g., .sas for filenames, or macro for macros in catalog), and
    • order indicating the search order SAS uses;

    If intead your require the output to be stored in a file, use print=no above together with a PROC PRINTTO to reroute the output appropriately.

  • _maclst_ : (option) name of the macro variable where the list of SAS macro names as they appear in member (i.e., without extension)will be stored.


  1. The macro %macro_list is a wrapper to H. Droogendyk's original %list_sasautos macro. Original source code (no license, no disclaimer) is available at See reference below.
  2. This macro prints the .sas member names of the various directories and filerefs returned by the GETOPTION(SASAUTOS) and PATHNAME(SASAUTOS) functions. Also examines WORK.SASMACR and the SASMACR catalog referenced by the PATHNAME(GETOPTION(SASMSTORE)).
  3. This macro may generate the following accepted warning:
WARNING: Variable member has different lengths on BASE and DATA files


Droogendyk, H. (2009): "Which SASAUTOS macros are available to my SAS session?" (presentation).

See also

%macro_exist, [list_sasautos][].